Source code for oioioi.base.notification

import json
import logging
import threading
import time
import uuid

import urllib.parse
from django.conf import settings
from pika import BlockingConnection, ConnectionParameters, PlainCredentials
from pika.exceptions import AMQPChannelError, AMQPConnectionError

from oioioi.base.utils.loaders import load_modules

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]thread_data = threading.local()
[docs]class NotificationHandler(logging.StreamHandler): """This handler catches all logs and emits a notification if a notification type is set in the extra dictionary, in the log record. """ # Example usage may be found in external documentation. # Link:
[docs] loaded_notifications = False
# This dictionary stores functions handling registered notifications # key - notification type, value - function handle
[docs] notification_functions = {}
[docs] notification_queue_prefix = '_notifs_'
[docs] last_connection_check = 0
[docs] conn_try_interval = 30
[docs] def _check_connection(cls): if ( not getattr(thread_data, 'rabbitmq_connected', False) and 'oioioi.notifications' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS and NotificationHandler.last_connection_check < time.time() - NotificationHandler.conn_try_interval ): try: o = urllib.parse.urlparse(settings.NOTIFICATIONS_RABBITMQ_URL) kwargs = {} if o.hostname: kwargs['host'] = o.hostname if o.port: kwargs['port'] = o.port if o.path: kwargs['virtual_host'] = o.path if o.username and o.password: kwargs['credentials'] = PlainCredentials(o.username, o.password) kwargs.update(settings.NOTIFICATIONS_RABBITMQ_EXTRA_PARAMS) parameters = ConnectionParameters(**kwargs) thread_data.conn = BlockingConnection(parameters) thread_data.rabbitmq_connected = True # pylint: disable=broad-except except Exception: NotificationHandler.last_connection_check = time.time()"Notifications: Can't connect to RabbitMQ", exc_info=True)
[docs] def _send_notification_message(cls, user, message, repeated=False): if not hasattr(thread_data, 'conn') or not getattr( thread_data, 'rabbitmq_connected', False ): return try: queue_name = NotificationHandler.notification_queue_prefix + str( channel = channel.queue_declare(queue=queue_name, durable=True) channel.basic_publish( exchange='', routing_key=queue_name, body=json.dumps(message) ) except (AMQPChannelError, AMQPConnectionError):"Notifications: Connection with RabbitMQ broken", exc_info=True) thread_data.rabbitmq_connected = False # Make a second try if not repeated: NotificationHandler._check_connection() NotificationHandler._send_notification_message( user, message, repeated=True )
[docs] def send_notification( cls, user, notification_type, notification_message, notification_message_arguments, ): """This function sends a notification to the specified user by sending a message to RabbitMQ. :param user: User, to whom the notification will be sent. :param notification_type: A string which describes the notification type. :param notification_message: A message to show to the notified user, which will be translated by frontend to their language and interpolated using notification_message_arguments. Remember to mark this message to translate, passing it as argument to _() function, so that the message string will be caught to translate. :param notification_message_arguments: A map which contains strings to interpolate notification_message and special optional parameters: * "address" -- an absolute link (starting with http://) to a page related to the notification, where the user can check the details. * "details" -- a short information for the user about the event. * "popup" -- if set the related dropdown will be opened in ui. """ NotificationHandler._check_connection() message = {} # Id of a message is an unique uuid4. message['id'] = str(uuid.uuid4()) message['date'] = round(time.time() * 1000) message['message'] = notification_message message['type'] = notification_type if 'details' in notification_message_arguments: message['details'] = notification_message_arguments['details'] if 'address' in notification_message_arguments: message['address'] = notification_message_arguments['address'] if 'popup' in notification_message_arguments: message['popup'] = notification_message_arguments['popup'] message['arguments'] = notification_message_arguments NotificationHandler._send_notification_message(user, message)
[docs] def register_notification(cls, notification_type, notification_function): """Register a specific notification handler function for the specified type of notification, that will be executed each time a log with this notification type is processed. """ if notification_type in cls.notification_functions: logger.warning("Notification %s was registered twice", notification_type) cls.notification_functions[notification_type] = notification_function
[docs] def emit(self, record): """This function is called each time a message is logged. In our design, it's role is to invoke a specific handler for corresponding notification type, registered before via :meth:`register` function by caller. Specific notification handler should prepare translated message string, split one event for particular users and execute :meth:`send_notification` function for each user who should be notified. """ # # Emit is called with a lock held, see # # if ( not NotificationHandler.loaded_notifications and 'oioioi.notifications' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS ): load_modules('notifications') NotificationHandler.loaded_notifications = True if hasattr(record, 'notification'): notification_type = getattr(record, 'notification') if notification_type in NotificationHandler.notification_functions: notification_function = NotificationHandler.notification_functions[ notification_type ] notification_function(record) else: logger.error( "Internal error in notification module:" " Tried to handle a non-exisitent notification \"%s\"" " Please check, if the notification is" " registered correctly.", notification_type, )