Source code for oioioi.contests.current_contest

import copy
import re
import threading
from enum import Enum

from django.urls import NoReverseMatch
from django.utils.functional import lazy

[docs]ContestMode = Enum('ContestMode', 'neutral contest_if_possible contest_only')
[docs]cc_id = threading.local()
[docs]def get_cc_id(): return getattr(cc_id, 'value', None)
[docs]def set_cc_id(val): cc_id.value = val
[docs]contest_re = re.compile(r'^(?:/api)?/c/(?P<c_name>[a-z0-9_-]+)/')
[docs]def reverse(target, *args, **kwargs): """A modified URL reverser that takes into account the current contest and generates URLs that are appropriately prefixed. With it we substitute the original ``urls.reverse`` function. The choice of prefixing the URL with a particular contest ID (or not prefixing at all) by the function is made as follows: * If a ``contest_id`` kwarg is given which is not None then the URL, if successfully reversed, is prefixed with it. * If a ``contest_id`` kwarg equal to None is given then the URL, if successfully reversed, will not be prefixed. * If the kwarg isn't given but a contest is active when calling the function then that contest is used for the generated URL. * If the above fails or there is no active contest then no contest will be used. Our reverser uses the special structure of each app's file: * Urls pointing to views that require a contest are defined in the ``contest_patterns`` pattern list. Those only have a contest-prefixed version. * Urls pointing to views that require no contest being active are defined in the ``noncontest_patterns`` pattern list. Those only have a non contest-prefixed version. * Urls pointing to views that can run both with and without current contest are defined in the ``urlpatterns`` pattern list. Those have both versions. These files are preprocessed to be used by the reverser. Urls defined in ``oioioi.urls`` are not preprocessed, so they only have a non-prefixed version, even though they could exist within a contest. Note that there is no point defining patterns that receive a ``contest_id`` kwarg. That particular kwarg is interpreted differently and will never be actually matched in the url pattern when reversing. You need to take into account the behavior of reverse when defining your own custom urlconf (that means patterns lying outside an app's file, e.g. for testing purposes), because it won't be preprocessed. For that we created the :func:`~oioioi.contests.urls.make_patterns` function. """ if not isinstance(target, str): if callable(target): # It's not possible to reverse with callable view object # in namespace. As we use namespaces heavily and reversing with # callable view object is discouraged by Django documentation, # we don't implement this behaviour. raise NotImplementedError raise ValueError if 'kwargs' in kwargs and kwargs['kwargs'] and 'contest_id' in kwargs['kwargs']: kwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs) contest_id = kwargs['kwargs'].pop('contest_id') explicit_contest = True else: contest_id = get_cc_id() explicit_contest = False if contest_id: try: ret = django_reverse('contest:' + target, *args, **kwargs) return re.sub(contest_re, r'/c/{}/'.format(contest_id), ret) except NoReverseMatch: if explicit_contest: raise # Else we will try the noncontest version. try: return django_reverse('noncontest:' + target, *args, **kwargs) except NoReverseMatch: if explicit_contest and not contest_id: raise # It can still be one of those urls defined in the global # because we didn't namespace them. return django_reverse(target, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]django_reverse = None
[docs]def patch(): global django_reverse # Will not patch twice. from django import urls if urls.reverse is not reverse: django_reverse = urls.reverse urls.reverse = reverse urls.reverse_lazy = lazy(reverse, str)