:py:mod:`oioioi.clock.views` ============================ .. py:module:: oioioi.clock.views Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: oioioi.clock.views.get_round_times oioioi.clock.views.get_times_status oioioi.clock.views.admin_time .. py:function:: get_round_times(request) .. py:function:: get_times_status(request, response) Extends the response dictionary with rounds times. Extends the dictionary with keys: ``time``: the number of seconds elapsed since the epoch ``round_start_date``: the number of seconds between the epoch and the start of the current round if any exists; otherwise 0 ``round_end_date`` the number of seconds between the epoch and the end of the current round if any exists; otherwise 0 ``is_admin_time_set``: ``True`` if admin changes the time .. py:function:: admin_time(request, next_page=None)