:py:mod:`oioioi.contests.fields` ================================ .. py:module:: oioioi.contests.fields Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: oioioi.contests.fields.ScoreField .. py:class:: ScoreField(*args, **kwargs) Bases: :py:obj:`django.db.models.CharField` Model field for storing :class:`~oioioi.contests.scores.ScoreValue`s .. py:attribute:: description .. py:method:: get_prep_value(value) Perform preliminary non-db specific value checks and conversions. .. py:method:: from_db_value(value, expression, connection, context=None) .. py:method:: value_to_string(obj) Return a string value of this field from the passed obj. This is used by the serialization framework. .. py:method:: to_python(value) Convert the input value into the expected Python data type, raising django.core.exceptions.ValidationError if the data can't be converted. Return the converted value. Subclasses should override this.