
Module Contents



ContestController mixin that adds a disqualification functionality to


ContestController mixin that renders submission disqualification info.


RankingController mixin that manages disqualification module influence

class oioioi.disqualification.controllers.DisqualificationContestControllerMixin[source]

Bases: object

ContestController mixin that adds a disqualification functionality to the contest.


Decides whether the submission is currently disqualified.

This won’t automatically propagate to user disqualification. Used mostly with single submission context.


Should be True if the submission was disqualified anytime.

This method is for example used to check if the disqualification admin panel should be displayed.

is_any_submission_to_problem_disqualified(user, problem_instance)[source]

Should be True if the given user has any disqualified submission to this problem.

If so, this will usually result in hiding scores in other submissions to this problem.

is_user_disqualified(request, user)[source]

True if the user should be considered disqualified

The default implementation does not infer it from previous methods.

user_has_disqualification_history(request, user)[source]

True if the user was disqualified anytime.

This method is for example used to check if the disqualification admin panel should be displayed.


Filters the queryset of User to select only users which are not disqualified in this contest.

change_submission_kind(submission, kind)[source]

Changing the kind of submission should undisqualify given submission

_render_disqualification_reason(request, submission)[source]

Renders part with reason of the given submission disqualification.

This method is only used internally.

render_submission_disqualifiaction(request, submission)[source]

Renders the disqualification reason of the given submission to HTML.

_render_contestwide_disqualification_reason(request, user)[source]

Renders part with reason of the given user disqualification not directly associated with any particular submission.

This method is only used internally.

render_my_submissions_header(request, submissions)[source]
render_disqualifications(request, user, submissions)[source]

Renders all disqualifications of the given user to HTML, which may be put anywhere on the site.

This method should process only submission from submissions.

get_contest_participant_info_list(request, user)[source]
class oioioi.disqualification.controllers.DisqualificationProgrammingContestControllerMixin[source]

Bases: object

ContestController mixin that renders submission disqualification info.

render_submission(request, submission)[source]
class oioioi.disqualification.controllers.WithDisqualificationRankingControllerMixin[source]

Bases: object

RankingController mixin that manages disqualification module influence on rankings.


Decides if disqualified users should be included in the ranking.

They will be marked as disqualified and will not influence the places of other contestants.

filter_users_for_ranking(key, queryset)[source]
_render_ranking_page(key, data, page)[source]
_get_csv_header(key, data)[source]
_get_csv_row(key, row)[source]
_annotate_disqualified(key, data)[source]