Source code for

# Taken from
# django_extensions/management/commands/
# pylint: skip-file

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import time

from import BaseCommand
from import import_objects

[docs]class Command(BaseCommand):
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( '--plain', action='store_true', dest='plain', help='Tells Django to use plain Python, not BPython nor IPython.', ) parser.add_argument( '--bpython', action='store_true', dest='bpython', help='Tells Django to use BPython, not IPython.', ) parser.add_argument( '--ipython', action='store_true', dest='ipython', help='Tells Django to use IPython, not BPython.', ) parser.add_argument( '--notebook', action='store_true', dest='notebook', help='Tells Django to use IPython args.', ) parser.add_argument( '--no-pythonrc', action='store_true', dest='no_pythonrc', help='Tells Django not to execute PYTHONSTARTUP file', ) parser.add_argument( '--print-sql', action='store_true', default=False, help="Print SQL queries as they're executed", ) parser.add_argument( '--dont-load', action='append', dest='dont_load', default=[], help='Ignore autoloading of some apps/models. Can be used several times.', ) parser.add_argument( '--quiet-load', action='store_true', default=False, dest='quiet_load', help='Do not display loaded models messages', )
[docs] help = "Like the 'shell' command but autoloads the models of all installed Django apps."
[docs] requires_model_validation = True
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **options): use_notebook = options.get('notebook', False) use_ipython = options.get('ipython', False) use_bpython = options.get('bpython', False) use_plain = options.get('plain', False) use_pythonrc = not options.get('no_pythonrc', True) if options.get("print_sql", False): # Code from from django.db.backends import util sqlparse = None try: import sqlparse except ImportError: pass class PrintQueryWrapper(util.CursorDebugWrapper): def execute(self, sql, params=()): starttime = time.time() try: return self.cursor.execute(sql, params) finally: execution_time = time.time() - starttime raw_sql = self.db.ops.last_executed_query( self.cursor, sql, params ) if sqlparse: print(sqlparse.format(raw_sql, reindent=True)) else: print(raw_sql) print() print( 'Execution time: %.6fs [Database: %s]' % (execution_time, self.db.alias) ) print() util.CursorDebugWrapper = PrintQueryWrapper def run_notebook(): from django.conf import settings from IPython.frontend.html.notebook import notebookapp app = notebookapp.NotebookApp.instance() ipython_arguments = getattr( settings, 'IPYTHON_ARGUMENTS', ['--ext', ''], ) app.initialize(ipython_arguments) app.start() def run_plain(): # Using normal Python shell import code imported_objects = import_objects(options, try: # Try activating rlcompleter, because it's handy. import readline except ImportError: pass else: # We don't have to wrap the following import in a 'try', because # we already know 'readline' was imported successfully. import rlcompleter readline.set_completer(rlcompleter.Completer(imported_objects).complete) readline.parse_and_bind("tab:complete") # We want to honor both $PYTHONSTARTUP and, so follow system # conventions and get $PYTHONSTARTUP first then import user. if use_pythonrc: pythonrc = os.environ.get("PYTHONSTARTUP") if pythonrc and os.path.isfile(pythonrc): try: exec( compile(open(pythonrc).read(), pythonrc, 'exec'), globals(), locals(), ) except NameError: pass code.interact(local=imported_objects) def run_bpython(): from bpython import embed imported_objects = import_objects(options, embed(imported_objects) def run_ipython(): try: from IPython import embed imported_objects = import_objects(options, embed(user_ns=imported_objects) except ImportError: # IPython < 0.11 # Explicitly pass an empty list as arguments, because otherwise # IPython would use sys.argv from this script. # Notebook not supported for IPython < 0.11. from IPython.Shell import IPShell imported_objects = import_objects(options, shell = IPShell(argv=[], user_ns=imported_objects) shell.mainloop() if use_notebook: run_notebook() elif use_plain: run_plain() elif use_ipython: run_ipython() elif use_bpython: run_bpython() else: for func in (run_bpython, run_ipython, run_plain): try: func() except ImportError: continue else: break else: import traceback traceback.print_exc() print( "Could not load any interactive Python environment." ) )