Source code for oioioi.dashboard.contest_dashboard

import sys

from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured

from import OrderedRegistry
from oioioi.base.permissions import Condition

[docs]class _ContestDashboardEntry(object): def __init__(self, view, condition): self.view = view self.condition = condition
[docs]_contest_dashboard_registry = OrderedRegistry()
[docs]def register_contest_dashboard_view(order=sys.maxsize, condition=None): """Decorator for a view, which registers it as a contest dashboard. A view registered this way can be shown as the main page of the contest. If multiple views are registered, one with the lowest ``order`` for which the ``condition`` holds true is selected. :param order: value determining the order in which the dashboard is selected :type order: int :param condition: decides if a dashboard can be selected :type condition: :class:`oioioi.base.permissions.Condition` """ if condition is None: condition = Condition(lambda request: True) def decorator(view): _contest_dashboard_registry.register( _ContestDashboardEntry(view, condition), order ) return view return decorator
[docs]def unregister_contest_dashboard_view(view): """Unregisters a contest dashboard view. Does nothing if not found. :param view: the dashboard view to unregister """ for entry in _contest_dashboard_registry: if entry.view is view: _contest_dashboard_registry.unregister(entry) return
[docs]def contest_dashboard_view(request): for entry in _contest_dashboard_registry: if entry.condition(request): return entry.view(request) raise ImproperlyConfigured("No contest dashboard has been registered")