Source code for oioioi.default_settings

import django

import sys

from oioioi.base.utils.finders import find_executable_path

if sys.version_info < (2, 6):
    raise RuntimeError("OIOIOI needs at least Python 2.6")

import os
import tempfile

from django.contrib.messages import constants as messages
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

import oioioi

# Enable debugging features. # # SET DEBUG = False FOR PRODUCTION DEPLOYMENT.
[docs]DEBUG = False
[docs]INTERNAL_IPS = ('',)
# Site name displayed in the title and used by sioworkersd # to distinguish OIOIOI instances.
[docs]SITE_ID = 1
# The website address as it will be displayed to users in some places, # including but not limited to the mail notifications.
[docs]PUBLIC_ROOT_URL = 'http://localhost'
# The server to be run. Options are: # 'django' - django's http server # 'uwsgi' - uwsgi daemon # 'uwsgi-http' - uwsgi deamon with built-in http server # 'none' - nothing will be ran
[docs]SERVER = os.getenv('OIOIOI_SERVER_MODE', 'none')
[docs]DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': os.getenv('OIOIOI_DB_ENGINE', 'django.db.backends.sqlite3'), 'NAME': os.getenv('OIOIOI_DB_NAME', 'oioioi'), # Or path to database file if using sqlite3. 'USER': os.getenv('OIOIOI_DB_USER', 'oioioi'), # Not used with sqlite3. 'PASSWORD': os.getenv('OIOIOI_DB_PASSWORD', 'password'), # Not used with sqlite3. 'HOST': os.getenv('OIOIOI_DB_HOST', 'db'), # Set to empty string for localhost. Not used with sqlite3. 'PORT': os.getenv('OIOIOI_DB_PORT', ''), # Set to empty string for default. Not used with sqlite3. 'ATOMIC_REQUESTS': True, # Don't touch unless you know what you're doing. } }
# Controls if uwsgi in default configuration shall use gevent loop. # To use it, you have to install gevent - please consult # # This is recommended for heavy load, but you may still need to tune uwsgi # options in deployment/supervisord.conf
[docs]UWSGI_USE_GEVENT = False
# Python dotted path to the WSGI application used by Django's runserver.
[docs]WSGI_APPLICATION = 'wsgi.application'
[docs]LANGUAGES = ( ('en', 'English'), ('pl', 'Polish'), )
[docs]STATEMENT_LANGUAGES = ( ('en', 'English'), ('pl', 'Polish'), )
# Local time zone for this installation. Choices can be found here: # # although not all choices may be available on all operating systems. # If running in a Windows environment this must be set to the same as your # system time zone.
[docs]TIME_ZONE = os.getenv('OIOIOI_TIMEZONE', 'UTC')
# Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here: #
[docs]LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en'
# If you set this to False, Django will make some optimizations so as not # to load the internationalization machinery.
[docs]USE_I18N = True
[docs]LOCALE_PATHS = [ os.path.join(os.path.dirname(oioioi.__file__), '_locale/locale'), os.path.join(os.path.dirname(oioioi.__file__), '_locale/locale-overrides'), ]
# If you set this to False, Django will not format dates, numbers and # calendars according to the current locale.
[docs]USE_L10N = False
# If you set this to False, Django will not use timezone-aware datetimes.
[docs]USE_TZ = True
[docs]DATETIME_FORMAT = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'
# URL prefix for static files. # Example: ""
[docs]STATIC_URL = '/static/'
# List of finder classes that know how to find static files in # various locations.
[docs]STATICFILES_FINDERS = ( 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder', 'django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.AppDirectoriesFinder', 'compressor.finders.CompressorFinder', )
# Make this unique, and don't share it with anybody. # Secret key can't be empty, it is overridden later.
[docs]SECRET_KEY = os.getenv('OIOIOI_SECRET', 'eca76a75-2b9f-4e09-8f88-86671acbed8b')
# Uncomment once oisubmit is used. # OISUBMIT_MAGICKEY = '__OTHER_SECRET__' # Email addresses to send error message reports.
[docs]ADMINS = ( ('Your Name', ''), )
# Email addresses to send communication from users (for example requests for # teacher accounts).
# SMTP server parameters for sending emails.
[docs]EMAIL_USE_TLS = False
[docs]EMAIL_HOST = 'mail'
[docs]EMAIL_PORT = 25
[docs]EMAIL_HOST_USER = ''
# Sender email address for messages sent by OIOIOI to users.
[docs]DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = 'webmaster@localhost'
# Sender email address for error messages sent to admins.
# Set to true to send user activation emails. Needs an SMTP server to be # configured above.
# List of callables that know how to import templates from various sources.
[docs]UNCACHED_TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ( 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader', 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader', )
[docs]CACHED_TEMPLATE_LOADERS = ( ('django.template.loaders.cached.Loader', UNCACHED_TEMPLATE_LOADERS), )
# Set to True to show the link to the problemset with contests on navbar. # Set to true to show tags on the list of problems
# Enables problem statistics at the cost of some per-submission performance hit. # Set to True if you want to see statistics in the Problemset and problem sites. # After enabling you should use ./ recalculate_statistics
# Set to True to allow every logged in user to add problems directly to Problemset
[docs]TEMPLATES = [ { 'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates', 'DIRS': [ 'templates', ], 'APP_DIRS': True, 'OPTIONS': { 'context_processors': [ 'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth', 'django.template.context_processors.debug', 'django.template.context_processors.i18n', '', 'django.template.context_processors.static', '', 'django.template.context_processors.request', 'django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages', '', 'oioioi.base.processors.base_url', 'oioioi.base.processors.navbar_links', 'oioioi.base.processors.side_menus', 'oioioi.base.processors.site_name', 'oioioi.base.processors.mathjax_location', 'oioioi.contests.processors.register_current_contest', 'oioioi.contests.processors.register_recent_contests', 'oioioi.contestexcl.processors.register_contest_exclusive', 'oioioi.problems.processors.dangling_problems_processor', 'oioioi.problems.processors.problemset_link_visible_processor', 'oioioi.problems.processors.problems_need_rejudge_processor', 'oioioi.problems.processors.can_add_to_problemset_processor', 'oioioi.questions.processors.navbar_tip_processor', '', 'oioioi.status.processors.status_processor', 'oioioi.programs.processors.drag_and_drop_processor', ], }, }, ]
[docs]MIDDLEWARE = ( 'debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware', 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'oioioi.base.middleware.TimestampingMiddleware', 'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django_otp.middleware.OTPMiddleware', # must be after AuthenticationMiddleware 'oioioi.base.middleware.AnnotateUserBackendMiddleware', '', '', 'oioioi.base.middleware.UserInfoInErrorMessage', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'dj_pagination.middleware.PaginationMiddleware', 'oioioi.contests.middleware.CurrentContestMiddleware', 'oioioi.base.middleware.HttpResponseNotAllowedMiddleware', 'oioioi.base.middleware.CheckLoginMiddleware', 'oioioi.base.middleware.UserPreferencesMiddleware', # Uncomment the next line for simple clickjacking protection: # 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', 'oioioi.maintenancemode.middleware.MaintenanceModeMiddleware', )
[docs]COMMON_MEDIA_PREFIX = 'common/'
[docs]ROOT_URLCONF = 'oioioi.urls'
[docs]LOGIN_URL = 'two_factor:login'
[docs]COMPRESS_PARSER = 'compressor.parser.BeautifulSoupParser'
[docs]COMPRESS_PRECOMPILERS = ( ('text/x-scss', 'django_libsass.SassCompiler'), )
# EXTRA MODULES # # Comment/uncomment components to disable/enable them. # # Additional components usually have to be prepended to the list in # INSTALLED_APPS, because they may want to override some templates. But this is # not always the case. Please consult the documentation of particular extension # you're configuring. # # Some components need also corresponding lines in TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS # and/or AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS commented/uncommented.
[docs]INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'debug_toolbar', 'oioioi.filetracker', 'oioioi.contests', 'oioioi.problems', 'oioioi.programs', 'oioioi.sinolpack', 'oioioi.questions', 'oioioi.rankings', 'oioioi.sioworkers', '', 'oioioi.celery', 'oioioi.status', '', 'oioioi.clock', 'oioioi.dashboard', 'oioioi.base', 'oioioi.maintenancemode', 'oioioi.evalmgr', 'oioioi.workers', 'oioioi.quizzes', 'oioioi._locale', 'djsupervisor', 'registration', 'django_extensions', 'compressor', 'dj_pagination', 'mptt', 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.admindocs', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.humanize', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'django.contrib.sites', 'django.forms', 'django_otp', 'django_otp.plugins.otp_static', 'django_otp.plugins.otp_totp', 'two_factor', 'two_factor.plugins.phonenumber', 'nested_admin', 'coreapi', 'rest_framework', 'rest_framework.authtoken', 'captcha', 'fontawesomefree', )
# If set to locations of flite and sox executables, enables audio playback # of captcha. Audio output generated by flite (CAPTCHA_FLITE_PATH) is identical # across multiple generations. To prevent potential security risk, # CAPTCHA_SOX_PATH should be set as well, in order to inject random noise into # audio files generated by flite. # If either sox or flite is installed and its location recognised by PATH # variable, then corresponding setting will be set automatically.
[docs]CAPTCHA_FLITE_PATH = find_executable_path('flite')
[docs]CAPTCHA_SOX_PATH = find_executable_path('sox')
[docs]CAPTCHA_IMAGE_SIZE = (250, 100)
[docs]AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( # 'oioioi.teachers.auth.TeacherAuthBackend', 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', 'oioioi.contests.auth.ContestPermissionsAuthBackend', )
[docs]FILETRACKER_CLIENT_FACTORY = 'oioioi.filetracker.client.remote_storage_factory'
# When using distributed workers set this to url on which workers will be # able to access filetracker server. When 'remote_storage_factory' is used, # this also defines the filetracker server oioioi should connect to.
[docs]FILETRACKER_URL = os.getenv('FILETRACKER_URL', '')
# When using a remote storage it's recommended to enable a cache cleaner deamon # which will periodically scan cache directory and remove files what aren't # used. For a detailed description of each option, please read a cache cleaner # configuration section in the sioworkersd documentation. Please note that # the cache cleaner can delete *any* file found under FILETRACKER_CACHE_ROOT # directory, so don't store other files there (unless you want them to be # periodically deleted). # FILETRACKER_CACHE_CLEANER_ENABLED = True # FILETRACKER_CACHE_CLEANER_SCAN_INTERVAL = '1h' # FILETRACKER_CACHE_CLEANER_CLEAN_LEVEL = '50' # FILETRACKER_CACHE_SIZE = '8G'
[docs]SUPERVISOR_AUTORELOAD_PATTERNS = [".py", ".pyc", ".pyo"]
# For dj_pagination
[docs]FILES_ON_PAGE = 100
[docs]PROBLEMS_ON_PAGE = 100
[docs]TESTS_ON_PAGE = 100
[docs]NUM_HINTS = 10
[docs]PROBLEM_SOURCES = ( 'oioioi.problems.problem_sources.UploadedPackageSource', 'oioioi.problems.problem_sources.ProblemsetSource', 'oioioi.quizzes.problem_sources.EmptyQuizSource', )
[docs]PROBLEM_PACKAGE_BACKENDS = ( 'oioioi.sinolpack.package.SinolPackageBackend', )
[docs]SIOWORKERSD_URL = 'http://localhost:7889/'
[docs]SIOWORKERS_BACKEND = 'oioioi.sioworkers.backends.SioworkersdBackend'
# Set this to false if you don't need sioworkersd instance (e. g. # because you use instance started by another instance of OIOIOI)
# On which interface should the sioworkers receiver listen. You should # set the address to if you want remote workers to access # your server.
# URL to which sioworkersd should respond, when it has finished its job # When set to None the default url will be created using the pattern # http://$SIOWORKERS_LISTEN_ADDR:$SIOWORKERS_LISTEN_PORT
# Set to false to disable workers running on the server machine.
# This setting specifies which languages are available on the platform. # Each language must contain type and display_name entry. Such an entry may be useful # if it is to contain characters, that probably shouldn't be allowed in the # language identifier, such as '#'. Languages of type 'main' # ('main' is default type, it doesn't need to be set) # are enabled on every problem by default, languages of type 'extra' # can only be enabled on a problem by adding them to the problems white list.
[docs]SUBMITTABLE_LANGUAGES = { 'C': { 'display_name': 'C' }, 'C++': { 'display_name': 'C++' }, 'Pascal': { 'display_name': 'Pascal' }, 'Java': { 'display_name': 'Java' }, 'Python': { 'display_name': 'Python' }, 'Output-only': { 'type': 'extra', 'display_name': 'Output-only', } }
# This setting is used for associating programming languages with file extensions. # There should be an entry for every language supported with key being the same # as in SUBMITTABLE_LANGUAGES.
[docs]SUBMITTABLE_EXTENSIONS = {'C': ['c'], 'C++': ['cpp', 'cc'], 'Pascal': ['pas'], 'Java': ['java'], 'Python': ['py'], 'Output-only': ['txt', 'out']}
# This setting specifies which compilers are available in sioworkers. # By default that means ones defined here: # # There should be an entry for every language supported with key being the same # as in SUBMITTABLE_LANGUAGES. Additionally each compiler must contain a # display_name entry.
[docs]AVAILABLE_COMPILERS = { 'C': { 'gcc4_8_2_c99': {'display_name': 'gcc:4.8.2 std=gnu99'} }, 'C++': { 'g++4_8_2_cpp11': {'display_name': 'g++:4.8.2 std=c++11'} }, 'Pascal': { 'fpc2_6_2': {'display_name': 'fpc:2.6.2'} }, 'Java': { 'java1_8': {'display_name': 'java:1.8'} }, 'Python': { 'python': {'display_name': 'python'} }, 'Output-only': { 'output-only': {'display_name': 'output-only'} } }
[docs]SYSTEM_COMPILERS = { 'C': { 'system-gcc': {'display_name': 'system gcc'} }, 'C++': { 'system-g++': {'display_name': 'system g++'} }, 'Pascal': { 'system-fpc': {'display_name': 'system fpc'} }, 'Java': { 'system-java': {'display_name': 'system java'} }, 'Python': { 'system-python': {'display_name': 'system python'} }, 'Output-only': { 'output-only': {'display_name': 'output-only'} } }
# This setting sets the default compilers used throughout the platform. # There should be an entry for every language supported with key being the same # as in SUBMITTABLE_LANGUAGES and value contained in AVAILABLE_COMPILERS.
[docs]DEFAULT_COMPILERS = {'C': 'gcc4_8_2_c99', 'C++': 'g++4_8_2_cpp11', 'Pascal': 'fpc2_6_2', 'Java': 'java1_8', 'Python': 'python', 'Output-only': 'output-only'}
[docs]SYSTEM_DEFAULT_COMPILERS = {'C': 'system-gcc', 'C++': 'system-g++', 'Pascal': 'system-fpc', 'Java': 'system-java', 'Python': 'system-python', 'Output-only': 'output-only'}
# This is a legacy option for szkopul backwards compatibility. # Shouldn't be changed unless you know what you are doing. # Languages added here will use DEFAULT_COMPILERS for non-makefile sinol packages.
# Set the following option to false to enable the safe execution supervisor.
[docs]USE_UNSAFE_EXEC = False
# Default safe execution tool # You can change the safe execution tool. Current options are: # - "sio2jail" - (default) SIO2Jail # - "cpu" - ptrace (measures real time)
# WARNING: setting this to False is experimental until we make sure that # checkers do work well in sandbox # # Setting this to False will run checkers in sandbox. This option is # independent to USE_UNSAFE_EXEC.
# When USE_SINOLPACK_MAKEFILES equals True, the sinolpack upload workflow uses # standard sinolpack makefiles, whose behaviour may be modified by a custom # makefile.user file from a package. The makefiles' execution is not sandboxed, # hence it should be disabled for untrusted contest admins. # When it equals False, the upload workflow uses sioworkers for programs' # execution (in a sandboxed environment, if USE_UNSAFE_EXEC is set to False).
# When set to True untrusted users cannot upload sinol packages containing # problem statement in HTML format (they must use PDF). # Trusted users are users with superuser access or teachers (if oioioi.teachers # app is enabled). This option has no effect for packages uploaded # by management commands or if USE_SINOLPACK_MAKEFILES is enabled. # We suggest enabling it when using oioioi.usercontests app.
# Scorers below are used for judging submissions without contests, # eg. submitting to problems from problemset.
[docs]DEFAULT_TEST_SCORER = \ 'oioioi.programs.utils.discrete_test_scorer'
[docs]DEFAULT_GROUP_SCORER = \ 'oioioi.programs.utils.min_group_scorer'
[docs]DEFAULT_SCORE_AGGREGATOR = \ 'oioioi.programs.utils.sum_score_aggregator'
# Upper bounds for tests' time [ms] and memory [KiB] limits.
[docs]MAX_TEST_TIME_LIMIT_PER_PROBLEM = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 30
[docs]MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT_FOR_TEST = 256 * 1024
# Memory limit for input generator job. # This is a legacy option for szkopul backwards compatibility. # Shouldn't be changed unless you know what you are doing. # INGEN_MEMORY_LIMIT = 512 * 1024
# Contest mode - automatic activation of contests. # # Available choices are: # ContestMode.neutral - no contest is activated automatically, # users have to explicitly enter into a contest specific page if they want # to participate. They can visit both contest specific as well as non-contest # specific pages. # ContestMode.contest_if_possible - if there exists a contest, users # are automatically redirected to one when visiting a page which # has a contest specific version, e.g. visiting index ('/') could redirect # to "c" contest's dashboard page ('/c/c/dashboard') if there existed # a contest "c". The contest picking algorithm is described in detail # in oioioi.contests.middleware module. # If a page requires that no contest is active (e.g. user's portal page # from the "portals" app), it can still be visited and no redirection # will be made. # ContestMode.contest_only - this setting is similar to the previous one # except that pages requiring no contest to be active can only be visited # by superusers (other users get "403 - Permission Denied"). # # Some features may depend on this setting, e.g. the "portals" app requires # that either the "neutral" or the "contest_if_possible" option is picked. from oioioi.contests.current_contest import ContestMode
[docs]CONTEST_MODE = ContestMode.contest_if_possible
# A sample logging configuration. The only tangible logging # performed by this configuration is to send an email to # the site admins on every HTTP 500 error when DEBUG=False. # See for # more details on how to customize your logging configuration.
[docs]LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'filters': { 'require_debug_false': { '()': 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugFalse' } }, 'formatters': { 'date_and_level': { 'format': '[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(process)d:%(thread)d]' ' %(message)s', }, }, 'handlers': { 'console': { 'level': 'INFO', 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter': 'date_and_level', }, 'mail_admins': { 'level': 'ERROR', 'filters': ['require_debug_false'], 'class': 'django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler' }, 'emit_notification': { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'oioioi.base.notification.NotificationHandler' } }, 'loggers': { 'django.request': { 'handlers': ['mail_admins'], 'level': 'ERROR', 'propagate': True, }, 'oioioi': { 'handlers': ['console', 'emit_notification'], 'level': 'DEBUG', 'propagate': True, }, 'celery': { 'handlers': ['console', 'emit_notification'], 'level': 'DEBUG', 'propagate': True, } } }
# Limits the duration of user contests. # Comment out if you don't want to limit the user contests duration. # import pytz # from datetime import datetime # USER_CONTEST_TIMEOUT = datetime(2020, 2, 7, 23, 0, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc) # Celery configuration
[docs]CELERY_QUEUES = {}
BROKER_URL = 'sqla+sqlite:///' + os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'celerydb.sqlite') # RabbitMQ connection settings
[docs]host = os.getenv("RABBITMQ_HOST", None)
[docs]port = os.getenv("RABBITMQ_PORT", None)
[docs]user = os.getenv("RABBITMQ_USER", None)
[docs]password = os.getenv("RABBITMQ_PASSWORD", None)
if ( host is not None and port is not None and user is not None and password is not None ):
[docs] BROKER_URL = f"amqp://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}"
[docs]CELERY_IMPORTS = [ 'oioioi.evalmgr.tasks', 'oioioi.problems.unpackmgr', ]
[docs]CELERY_ROUTES = { 'oioioi.evalmgr.tasks.evalmgr_job': dict(queue='evalmgr'), 'oioioi.problems.unpackmgr.unpackmgr_job': dict(queue='unpackmgr'), }
# Number of concurrently evaluated submissions
# Number of concurrently processed problem packages
# Email address for "Send Feedback" message.
# Google Analytics
# Consent texts
[docs]PRINTING_FONT_SIZE = 8 # in pt
[docs]PRINTING_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 1024 * 100 # in kB
[docs]PRINTING_COMMAND = ['lp', '-o landscape', '-o sides=two-sided-short-edge']
# To get unlimited submissions count set to 0.
# Only used if 'testrun' app is enabled. # To get unlimited test runs set to 0.
# Message shortcut length in notification shown when an admin is editing # a reply in a thread in which a new message was posted in the meantime.
[docs]SHARING_SERVERS = ( # ('site_url', 'sharing_url', 'client_id', 'client_secret'), )
# Zeus configuration
[docs]ZEUS_INSTANCES = { }
# URL prefix (protocol, hostname and port) # hit by the Zeus callback after a submission is judged
# Delay between consecutive http requests for results.
[docs]ZEUS_RESULTS_FETCH_DELAY = 3 # seconds
[docs]ZEUS_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 10 # seconds
[docs]ZEUS_RETRY_SLEEP = 1 # second
# Complaints # COMPLAINTS_EMAIL = 'email_to_send_complaints_to' # COMPLAINTS_SUBJECT_PREFIX = '[oioioi-complaints] ' # Cache
[docs]CACHES = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.filebased.FileBasedCache', 'LOCATION': os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'oioioi-cache') } }
# Ranking
[docs]RANKINGSD_POLLING_INTERVAL = 0.5 # seconds
[docs]RANKING_COOLDOWN_FACTOR = 2 # seconds
[docs]RANKING_MIN_COOLDOWN = 5 # seconds
[docs]RANKING_MAX_COOLDOWN = 100 # seconds
# Notifications configuration (client) # This one is for JavaScript client. # It should contain actual URL available from remote machines.
[docs]NOTIFICATIONS_SERVER_URL = 'http://localhost:7887/'
# Notifications configuration (server)
# URL connection string to a Notifications Server instance
[docs]NOTIFICATIONS_OIOIOI_URL = 'http://localhost:8000/'
# URL connection string for RabbitMQ instance used by Notifications Server
[docs]NOTIFICATIONS_RABBITMQ_URL = 'amqp://localhost'
# Extra arguments for pika ConnectionParameters, see #
# Port that the Notifications Server listens on
# Balloons # Cache timeout (in seconds) for livedata stream (used in some onsite # competitions to show results online). Does not influence the data for # admins or observers.
# Submissions by (snail) mail
# Maintenance mode settings
[docs]CONTEST_PREFIX_RE = '^(/c/[a-z0-9_-]+)?'
[docs]MAINTENANCE_MODE_REDIRECT_URL = '/maintenance/'
# Domain to use for serving IP to hostname mappings # using ./ ipauth-dnsserver
# Judging priority and weight settings
# Interval [in seconds] for mailnotifyd to wait before scanning the database # for new messages to notify about
# If your contest has no access to the internet and you need MathJax typesetting, # either whitelist this link or download your own copy of MathJax and link it here.
# Django message framework CSS classes #
[docs]MESSAGE_TAGS = { messages.DEBUG: 'alert-info', messages.INFO: 'alert-info', messages.SUCCESS: 'alert-success', messages.WARNING: 'alert-warning', messages.ERROR: 'alert-danger', }
[docs]USE_API = True
[docs]REST_FRAMEWORK = { 'DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES': ( 'rest_framework.renderers.JSONRenderer', 'rest_framework.renderers.BrowsableAPIRenderer', ), 'DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES': ( 'rest_framework.authentication.TokenAuthentication', 'rest_framework.authentication.SessionAuthentication', ), 'DEFAULT_SCHEMA_CLASS': 'rest_framework.schemas.coreapi.AutoSchema' }
# If set to True, usercontests will become read-only: it will be impossible to # change, delete or submit to existing usercontests, as well as add new ones. # This operation is fully reversible.
# This is a legacy option for szkopul backwards compatibility. # Shouldn't be changed unless you know what you are doing. # If set to True, usercontests will behave like teachercontests # and will not be listed on the main page. # Changing this setting is reversible.
[docs]FORUM_PAGE_SIZE = 15
# Check seems to be broken.
[docs]SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS = ['admin.E130']
# Experimental
[docs]USE_ACE_EDITOR = False