Source code for

from django.db import models, transaction
from django.db.models import Max, Min
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

from oioioi.base.permissions import make_condition, make_request_condition
from oioioi.base.utils import request_cached
from oioioi.contests.utils import is_contest_admin
from import Ban, Category, Post, PostReaction, Thread

[docs]def forum_exists(request): return ( hasattr(request.contest, 'controller') and hasattr(request.contest.controller, 'create_forum') and request.contest.controller.create_forum and hasattr(request.contest, 'forum') )
@make_request_condition @request_cached
[docs]def forum_exists_and_visible(request): # checks whether the forum exists and # - is locked & visible # - is not locked # - user is contest admin # TODO maybe logic error (exists and visible or admin), # should be exists and (visible or admin)? return ( forum_exists(request) and ( not ( and not ) ) or (is_contest_admin(request)) )
[docs]def is_proper_forum(request, *args, **kwargs): """Checks whether kwargs describe proper part of the forum, eg. Category(category_id) is connected with that forum and Thread(thread_id) belongs to that particular category""" if not forum_exists(request): return False forum = if 'category_id' in kwargs: category = get_object_or_404(Category, id=kwargs['category_id']) if not == forum: return False if 'thread_id' in kwargs: thread = get_object_or_404(Thread, id=kwargs['thread_id']) if not thread.category == category: return False if 'post_id' in kwargs: post = get_object_or_404(Post, id=kwargs['post_id']) if not post.thread == thread: return False return True
[docs]def can_interact_with_users(request): if request.user.is_anonymous: return False is_banned = Ban.is_banned(, request.user) is_locked = return is_contest_admin(request) or (not is_banned and not is_locked)
[docs]def can_interact_with_admins(request): if request.user.is_anonymous: return False is_banned = Ban.is_banned(, request.user) return is_contest_admin(request) or not is_banned
[docs]def get_forum_ct(category_id, thread_id): to_get = [(Category, category_id), (Thread, thread_id)] return tuple([get_object_or_404(t, id=i) for (t, i) in to_get])
[docs]def get_forum_ctp(category_id, thread_id, post_id): to_get = [(Category, category_id), (Thread, thread_id), (Post, post_id)] return tuple([get_object_or_404(t, id=i) for (t, i) in to_get])
[docs]def get_msgs(request, forum=None): now = if forum is None: forum = msgs = [] if request.user.is_authenticated and Ban.is_banned(forum, request.user): msgs.append( _( "You are banned on this forum. You can't add, edit or " "report posts. To appeal contact contest administrators." ) ) if forum.is_locked(request.timestamp): msgs.append( _( "This forum is locked, it is not possible to add " "or edit posts right now" ) ) if forum.unlock_date and forum.unlock_date > now: localtime = timezone.localtime(forum.unlock_date) msgs.append( _("Forum is going to be unlocked at %s") % localtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ) elif forum.lock_date and forum.lock_date > now: localtime = timezone.localtime(forum.lock_date) msgs.append( _("Forum is going to be locked at %s") % localtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ) return msgs
[docs]def swap_categories_order(cat1, cat2, forum_categories): # this is needed because (forum, order) unique constraint would be violated # deferrable option for constraints will be added in django 3.1 temp_order = forum_categories.aggregate(models.Max("order"))["order__max"] + 1 old_cat1_order = cat1.order cat1.order = cat2.order cat2.order = temp_order["order"])["order"]) cat2.order = old_cat1_order["order"])
[docs]def move_category(category_id, direction): if direction not in ("up", "down"): raise ValueError("direction must be either up or down") category = get_object_or_404(Category, id=category_id) categories = agg_function, agg_name = {"up": (Min, "min"), "down": (Max, "max")}[direction] boundary_order = categories.aggregate(agg_function("order"))["order__" + agg_name] if category.order == boundary_order: return False if direction == "up": swap_with = categories.filter(order__lt=category.order).reverse()[0] else: swap_with = categories.filter(order__gt=category.order)[0] swap_categories_order(category, swap_with, categories) return True
[docs]def annotate_posts_with_current_user_reactions(request, qs): if request.user.is_anonymous: qs = qs.annotate(user_upvoted=models.Value(False, models.BooleanField())) qs = qs.annotate(user_downvoted=models.Value(False, models.BooleanField())) else: for f_name, rtype in [ ('user_upvoted', 'UPVOTE'), ('user_downvoted', 'DOWNVOTE'), ]: qs = qs.annotate( **{ f_name: models.Exists( PostReaction.objects.filter( author=request.user, type_of_reaction=rtype, post=models.OuterRef('pk'), ) ) } ) return qs