Source code for

# ~*~ coding: utf-8 ~*~
import os
import string

import urllib.request
import unicodecsv
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from import BaseCommand, CommandError
from django.db import transaction
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _

from oioioi.oi.models import School

[docs]COLUMNS = ['name', 'address', 'postal_code', 'city', 'province', 'phone', 'email']
[docs]class Command(BaseCommand):
[docs] columns_str = ', '.join(COLUMNS)
[docs] help = _( "Updates the list of schools from the given CSV file " "<filename or url>, with the following columns: %(columns)s.\n\n" "Given CSV file should contain a header row with column names " "(respectively %(columns)s) separated by commas. Following rows " "should contain school data." ) % {'columns': columns_str}
[docs] requires_model_validation = True
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument('filename_or_url', type=str, help='Source CSV file')
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **options): arg = options['filename_or_url'] if arg.startswith('http://') or arg.startswith('https://'): self.stdout.write(_("Fetching %s...\n") % (arg,)) stream = urllib.request.urlopen(arg) else: if not os.path.exists(arg): raise CommandError(_("File not found: %s") % arg) stream = open(arg, 'rb') reader = unicodecsv.DictReader(stream) fields = reader.fieldnames if fields != COLUMNS: raise CommandError( _("Missing header or invalid columns: %(h)s. Expected: %(col)s") % {'h': ', '.join(fields), 'col': ', '.join(COLUMNS)} ) with transaction.atomic(): ok = True all_count = 0 created_count = 0 for row in reader: all_count += 1 row['address'] = row['address'].replace('ul.', '') row['address'] = row['address'].strip(' ') row['address'] = string.capwords(row['address']) row['postal_code'] = ''.join(row['postal_code'].split()) for hypen in (' - ', u'\u2010'): row['city'] = row['city'].replace(hypen, '-') row['city'] = row['city'].title() row['province'] = row['province'].lower() row['phone'] = row['phone'].split(',')[0] row['phone'] = row['phone'].split(';')[0] for c in ['tel.', 'fax.', '(', ')', '-', ' ']: row['phone'] = row['phone'].replace(c, '') row['phone'] = row['phone'].lstrip('0') row['email'] = row['email'].split(',')[0] row['email'] = row['email'].split(';')[0] school, created = School.objects.get_or_create( name=row['name'], postal_code=row['postal_code'] ) if created: created_count += 1 for column in COLUMNS: setattr(school, column, row[column]) school.is_active = True school.is_approved = True try: school.full_clean() except ValidationError as e: for k, v in e.message_dict.items(): for msg in v: if k == '__all__': self.stdout.write( _("Line %(lineNum)s: %(msg)s\n") % {'lineNum': reader.line_num, 'msg': msg} ) else: self.stdout.write( _("Line %(lineNum)s, field %(field)s: %(msg)s\n") % { 'lineNum': reader.line_num, 'field': k, 'msg': msg, } ) ok = False if ok: self.stdout.write( _("Processed %(all_count)d entries (%(new_count)d new)\n") % {'all_count': all_count, 'new_count': created_count} ) else: raise CommandError( _("There were some errors. Database not changed\n") )