Source code for oioioi.programs.handlers

import functools
import logging
from collections import defaultdict

from django.conf import settings
from django.db import transaction
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string
from django.utils.text import Truncator
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

from oioioi.base.utils import make_html_link
from oioioi.contests.handlers import _get_submission_or_skip
from oioioi.contests.models import ScoreReport, SubmissionReport
from oioioi.contests.scores import IntegerScore, ScoreValue
from oioioi.evalmgr.tasks import transfer_job
from oioioi.filetracker.client import get_client
from oioioi.filetracker.utils import (
from oioioi.programs.models import (

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# There is also TASK_PRIORITY in oioioi/sinolpack/
[docs]def _make_filename(env, base_name): """Create a filename in the filetracker for storing outputs from filetracker jobs. By default the path is of the form ``/eval/<contest_id>/<submission_id>/<job_id>-<base_name>`` with fields absent from ``env`` skipped. The folder can be also specified in ``env['eval_dir']``. """ if 'eval_dir' not in env: eval_dir = '/eval' if 'contest_id' in env: eval_dir += '/%s' % env['contest_id'] if 'submission_id' in env: eval_dir += '/%s' % env['submission_id'] env['eval_dir'] = eval_dir return '%s/%s-%s' % (env['eval_dir'], env['job_id'], base_name)
[docs]def _skip_on_compilation_error(fn): """A decorator which skips the decorated function if the compilation fails. This is checked by looking for ``OK`` in ``env['compilation_result']``. If the key is not present, it is assumed that the compilation succeeded. """ @functools.wraps(fn) def decorated(env, **kwargs): if env.get('compilation_result', 'OK') != 'OK': return env return fn(env, **kwargs) return decorated
[docs]def compile(env, **kwargs): """Compiles source file on the remote machine and returns name of the executable that may be ran USES * env['source_file'] - source file name * env['language'] - if ``env['compiler']`` is not set and ``env['language']`` is, the compiler is set to ``'default-' + env['language']``. * the entire ``env`` is also passed to the ``compile`` job PRODUCES * env['compilation_result'] - may be OK if the file compiled successfully or CE otherwise. * env['compiled_file'] - exists if and only if env['compilation_result'] is set to OK and contains compiled binary path * env['compilation_message'] - contains compiler stdout and stderr * env['exec_info'] - information how to execute the compiled file """ compilation_job = env.copy() compilation_job['job_type'] = 'compile' compilation_job['task_priority'] = COMPILE_TASK_PRIORITY compilation_job['out_file'] = _make_filename(env, 'exe') if 'language' in env and 'compiler' not in env: compilation_job['compiler'] = 'default-' + env['language'] env['workers_jobs'] = {'compile': compilation_job} return transfer_job( env, 'oioioi.sioworkers.handlers.transfer_job', 'oioioi.sioworkers.handlers.restore_job', )
[docs]def compile_end(env, **kwargs): new_env = env['workers_jobs.results']['compile'] env['compiled_file'] = new_env.get('out_file') env['compilation_message'] = new_env.get('compiler_output', '') env['compilation_result'] = new_env.get('result_code', 'CE') env['exec_info'] = new_env.get('exec_info', {}) return env
[docs]def _override_tests_limits(language, tests): """ Given language and list of Test objects, returns the dictionary of memory and time limits. The key is test's pk. In case language overriding is defined in the database, the value of key is specified by overriding. Otherwise, the limits are the same as initial. """ overriding_tests = LanguageOverrideForTest.objects.filter( test__in=tests, language=language ) new_limits = {} for test in tests: new_limits[] = { 'memory_limit': test.memory_limit, 'time_limit': test.time_limit, } for new_rule in overriding_tests: new_limits[]['memory_limit'] = new_rule.memory_limit new_limits[]['time_limit'] = new_rule.time_limit return new_limits
@_skip_on_compilation_error @transaction.atomic
[docs]def collect_tests(env, **kwargs): """Collects tests from the database and converts them to evaluation environments. Used ``environ`` keys: * ``problem_instance_id`` * ``language`` * ``extra_args`` * ``is_rejudge`` Produced ``environ`` keys: * ``tests``: a dictionary mapping test names to test envs """ env.setdefault('tests', {}) if 'tests_subset' in env['extra_args']: tests = list(Test.objects.in_bulk(env['extra_args']['tests_subset']).values()) else: tests = Test.objects.filter( problem_instance__id=env['problem_instance_id'], is_active=True ) problem_instance = env['problem_instance_id'] if env['is_rejudge']: submission = env['submission_id'] rejudge_type = env['extra_args'].setdefault('rejudge_type', 'FULL') tests_to_judge = env['extra_args'].setdefault('tests_to_judge', []) test_reports = TestReport.objects.filter( submission_report__submission__id=submission, submission_report__status='ACTIVE', ) tests_used = [report.test_name for report in test_reports] if rejudge_type == 'NEW': tests_to_judge = [ for t in Test.objects.filter( problem_instance__id=problem_instance, is_active=True ).exclude(name__in=tests_used) ] elif rejudge_type == 'JUDGED': tests = Test.objects.filter( problem_instance__id=problem_instance, name__in=tests_used ) tests_to_judge = [t for t in tests_to_judge if t in tests_used] elif rejudge_type == 'FULL': tests_to_judge = [ for t in tests] else: tests_to_judge = [ for t in tests] # Some of the tests may be overriden, e.g. adding additional # overhead in time limits for Python submissions. language = env['language'] new_limits = _override_tests_limits(language, tests) for test in tests: test_env = {} test_env['id'] = test_env['name'] = test_env['in_file'] = django_to_filetracker_path(test.input_file) test_env['hint_file'] = django_to_filetracker_path(test.output_file) test_env['kind'] = test.kind test_env['group'] = or test_env['max_score'] = test.max_score test_env['order'] = test.order if test.time_limit: test_env['exec_time_limit'] = new_limits[]['time_limit'] if test.memory_limit: test_env['exec_mem_limit'] = new_limits[]['memory_limit'] test_env['to_judge'] = False env['tests'][] = test_env for test in tests_to_judge: env['tests'][test]['to_judge'] = True return env
[docs]def run_tests(env, kind=None, **kwargs): """Runs tests and saves their results into the environment If ``kind`` is specified, only tests with the given kind will be run. Used ``environ`` keys: * ``tests``: this should be a dictionary, mapping test name into the environment to pass to the ``exec`` job * ``unsafe_exec``: set to ``True`` if we want to use only ``ulimit()`` to limit the executable file resources, ``False`` otherwise (see the documentation for ``unsafe-exec`` job for more information), * ``compiled_file``: the compiled file which will be tested, * ``exec_info``: information how to execute ``compiled_file`` * ``check_outputs``: set to ``True`` if the output should be verified * ``checker``: if present, it should be the filetracker path of the binary used as the output checker, * ``save_outputs``: set to ``True`` if and only if each of test results should have its output file attached. * ``sioworkers_extra_args``: dict mappting kinds to additional arguments passed to :fun:`` (kwargs). Produced ``environ`` keys: * ``test_results``: a dictionary, mapping test names into dictionaries with the following keys: ``result_code`` test status: OK, WA, RE, ... ``result_string`` detailed supervisor information (for example, where the required and returned outputs differ) ``time_used`` total time used, in miliseconds ``mem_used`` memory usage, in KiB ``num_syscalls`` number of syscalls performed ``out_file`` filetracker path to the output file (only if ``env['save_outputs']`` was set) If the dictionary already exists, new test results are appended. """ jobs = dict() not_to_judge = [] for test_name, test_env in env['tests'].items(): if kind and test_env['kind'] != kind: continue if not test_env['to_judge']: not_to_judge.append(test_name) continue job = test_env.copy() job['job_type'] = (env.get('exec_mode', '') + '-exec').lstrip('-') if kind == 'INITIAL' or kind == 'EXAMPLE': job['task_priority'] = EXAMPLE_TEST_TASK_PRIORITY elif env['submission_kind'] == 'TESTRUN': job['task_priority'] = TESTRUN_TEST_TASK_PRIORITY else: job['task_priority'] = DEFAULT_TEST_TASK_PRIORITY job['exe_file'] = env['compiled_file'] job['exec_info'] = env['exec_info'] job['check_output'] = env.get('check_outputs', True) if env.get('checker'): job['chk_file'] = env['checker'] if env.get('save_outputs'): job.setdefault('out_file', _make_filename(env, test_name + '.out')) job['upload_out'] = True job['untrusted_checker'] = env['untrusted_checker'] jobs[test_name] = job extra_args = env.get('sioworkers_extra_args', {}).get(kind, {}) env['workers_jobs'] = jobs env['workers_jobs.extra_args'] = extra_args env['workers_jobs.not_to_judge'] = not_to_judge return transfer_job( env, 'oioioi.sioworkers.handlers.transfer_job', 'oioioi.sioworkers.handlers.restore_job', )
[docs]def run_tests_end(env, **kwargs): not_to_judge = env['workers_jobs.not_to_judge'] del env['workers_jobs.not_to_judge'] jobs = env['workers_jobs.results'] env.setdefault('test_results', {}) for test_name, result in jobs.items(): env['test_results'].setdefault(test_name, {}).update(result) for test_name in not_to_judge: env['test_results'].setdefault(test_name, {}).update(env['tests'][test_name]) return env
[docs]def grade_tests(env, **kwargs): """Grades tests using a scoring function. The ``env['test_scorer']``, which is used by this ``Handler``, should be a path to a function which gets test definition (e.g. a ``env['tests'][test_name]`` dict) and test run result (e.g. a ``env['test_results'][test_name]`` dict) and returns a score (instance of some subclass of :class:`~oioioi.contests.scores.ScoreValue`) and a status. Used ``environ`` keys: * ``tests`` * ``test_results`` * ``test_scorer`` Produced ``environ`` keys: * `score`, `max_score` and `status` keys in ``env['test_result']`` """ fun = import_string(env.get('test_scorer') or settings.DEFAULT_TEST_SCORER) tests = env['tests'] for test_name, test_result in env['test_results'].items(): if tests[test_name]['to_judge']: score, max_score, status = fun(tests[test_name], test_result) assert isinstance(score, (type(None), ScoreValue)) assert isinstance(max_score, (type(None), ScoreValue)) test_result['score'] = score and score.serialize() test_result['max_score'] = max_score and max_score.serialize() test_result['status'] = status else: report = TestReport.objects.get( submission_report__submission__id=env['submission_id'], submission_report__status='ACTIVE', test_name=test_name, ) score = report.score max_score = report.max_score status = report.status time_used = report.time_used test_result['score'] = score and score.serialize() test_result['max_score'] = max_score and max_score.serialize() test_result['status'] = status test_result['time_used'] = time_used env['test_results'][test_name] = test_result return env
[docs]def grade_groups(env, **kwargs): """Grades ungraded groups using a aggregating function. The ``group_scorer`` key in ``env`` should contain the path to a function which gets a list of test results (wihtout their names) and returns an aggregated score (instance of some subclass of :class:`~oioioi.contests.scores.ScoreValue`). Used ``environ`` keys: * ``tests`` * ``test_results`` * ``group_scorer`` Produced ``environ`` keys: * `score`, `max_score` and `status` keys in ``env['group_results']`` """ test_results = defaultdict(dict) for test_name, test in env['test_results'].items(): group_name = env['tests'][test_name]['group'] test_results[group_name][test_name] = test env.setdefault('group_results', {}) for group_name, results in test_results.items(): if group_name in env['group_results']: continue fun = import_string(env.get('group_scorer', settings.DEFAULT_GROUP_SCORER)) score, max_score, status = fun(results) if not isinstance(score, (type(None), ScoreValue)): raise TypeError( "Group scorer returned %r as score, " "not None or ScoreValue" % (type(score),) ) if not isinstance(max_score, (type(None), ScoreValue)): raise TypeError( "Group scorer returned %r as max_score, " "not None or ScoreValue" % (type(max_score),) ) group_result = {} group_result['score'] = score and score.serialize() group_result['max_score'] = max_score and max_score.serialize() group_result['status'] = status one_of_tests = env['tests'][next(iter(results.keys()))] if not all( env['tests'][key]['kind'] == one_of_tests['kind'] for key in results.keys() ): raise ValueError( "Tests in group '%s' have different kinds. " "This is not supported." % (group_name,) ) group_result['kind'] = one_of_tests['kind'] env['group_results'][group_name] = group_result return env
[docs]def grade_submission(env, kind='NORMAL', **kwargs): """Grades submission with specified kind of tests on a `Job` layer. If ``kind`` is None, all tests will be graded. This `Handler` aggregates score from graded groups and gets submission status from tests results. Used ``environ`` keys: * ``group_results`` * ``test_results`` * ``score_aggregator`` Produced ``environ`` keys: * ``status`` * ``score`` * ``max_score`` """ # TODO: let score_aggregator handle compilation errors if env.get('compilation_result', 'OK') != 'OK': env['score'] = None env['max_score'] = None env['status'] = 'CE' return env fun = import_string( env.get('score_aggregator') or settings.DEFAULT_SCORE_AGGREGATOR ) if kind is None: group_results = env['group_results'] else: group_results = dict( (name, res) for (name, res) in env['group_results'].items() if res['kind'] == kind ) score, max_score, status = fun(group_results) assert isinstance(score, (type(None), ScoreValue)) assert isinstance(max_score, (type(None), ScoreValue)) env['score'] = score and score.serialize() env['max_score'] = max_score and max_score.serialize() env['status'] = status return env
[docs]def _make_base_report(env, submission, kind): """Helper function making: SubmissionReport, ScoreReport, CompilationReport. Used ``environ`` keys: * ``status`` * ``score`` * ``compilation_result`` * ``compilation_message`` * ``submission_id`` * ``max_score`` Alters ``environ`` by adding: * ``report_id``: id of the produced :class:`~oioioi.contests.models.SubmissionReport` Returns: tuple (submission, submission_report) """ submission_report = SubmissionReport(submission=submission) submission_report.kind = kind env['report_id'] = status_report = ScoreReport(submission_report=submission_report) status_report.status = env['status'] status_report.score = env['score'] status_report.max_score = env['max_score'] compilation_report = CompilationReport(submission_report=submission_report) compilation_report.status = env['compilation_result'] compilation_message = env['compilation_message'] if not isinstance(compilation_message, str): compilation_message = compilation_message.decode('utf8') compilation_report.compiler_output = compilation_message return submission, submission_report
[docs]def make_report(env, kind='NORMAL', save_scores=True, **kwargs): """Builds entities for tests results in a database. Used ``environ`` keys: * ``tests`` * ``test_results`` * ``group_results`` * ``status`` * ``score`` * ``compilation_result`` * ``compilation_message`` * ``submission_id`` Produced ``environ`` keys: * ``report_id``: id of the produced :class:`~oioioi.contests.models.SubmissionReport` """ submission, submission_report = _make_base_report(env, kind) if env['compilation_result'] != 'OK': return env tests = env['tests'] test_results = env.get('test_results', {}) for test_name, result in test_results.items(): test = tests[test_name] if 'report_id' in result: continue test_report = TestReport(submission_report=submission_report) test_report.test_id = test.get('id') test_report.test_name = test_name test_report.test_group = test['group'] test_report.test_time_limit = result['exec_time_limit'] test_report.max_score = result['max_score'] test_report.score = result['score'] if save_scores else None test_report.status = result['status'] test_report.time_used = result['time_used'] comment = result.get('result_string', '') if comment.lower() in ['ok', 'time limit exceeded']: # Annoying comment = '' test_report.comment = Truncator(comment).chars( TestReport._meta.get_field('comment').max_length ) if env.get('save_outputs', False): test_report.output_file = filetracker_to_django_file(result['out_file']) result['report_id'] = group_results = env.get('group_results', {}) for group_name, group_result in group_results.items(): if 'report_id' in group_result: continue group_report = GroupReport(submission_report=submission_report) = group_name group_report.score = group_result['score'] if save_scores else None group_report.max_score = group_result['max_score'] if save_scores else None group_report.status = group_result['status'] group_result['result_id'] = if kind == 'INITIAL': if submission.user is not None and not env.get('is_rejudge', False): "Submission %(submission_id)d by user %(username)s" " for problem %(short_name)s got initial result.", { 'submission_id':, 'username': submission.user.username, 'short_name': submission.problem_instance.short_name, }, extra={ 'notification': 'initial_results', 'user': submission.user, 'submission': submission, }, ) return env
[docs]def delete_executable(env, **kwargs): if 'compiled_file' in env: get_client().delete_file(env['compiled_file']) return env
[docs]def fill_outfile_in_existing_test_reports(env, **kwargs): """Fill output files into existing test reports that are not directly related to present submission. Also change status of UserOutGenStatus object to finished. Used ``environ`` keys: * ``extra_args`` dictionary with ``submission_report`` object * ``test_results`` """ if 'submission_report_id' not in env['extra_args']:'No submission_report given to fill tests outputs') return env submission_report_id = env['extra_args']['submission_report_id'] submission_report = SubmissionReport.objects.get(id=submission_report_id) test_reports = TestReport.objects.filter(submission_report=submission_report) test_results = env.get('test_results', {}) for test_name, result in test_results.items(): try: testreport = test_reports.get(test_name=test_name) except (TestReport.DoesNotExist, TestReport.MultipleObjectsReturned): logger.warning('Test report for test: %s can not be determined', test_name) continue if testreport.output_file: logger.warning( 'Output for test report %s exists. Deleting old one.', ) get_client().delete_file(testreport.output_file) testreport.output_file = filetracker_to_django_file(result['out_file']) try: download_controller = UserOutGenStatus.objects.get(testreport=testreport) except UserOutGenStatus.DoesNotExist: download_controller = UserOutGenStatus(testreport=testreport) download_controller.status = 'OK' return env
@transaction.atomic @_get_submission_or_skip