Source code for oioioi.programs.utils

import os.path
from math import ceil
from operator import itemgetter  # pylint: disable=E0611

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
from django.urls import reverse

from oioioi.base.utils import make_html_link
from oioioi.contests.models import Submission
from oioioi.contests.scores import IntegerScore, ScoreValue
from oioioi.contests.utils import aggregate_statuses
from oioioi.programs.models import (

[docs]def sum_score_aggregator(group_results): if not group_results: return None, None, 'OK' scores = [ ScoreValue.deserialize(result['score']) for result in group_results.values() ] max_scores = [ ScoreValue.deserialize(result['max_score']) for result in group_results.values() ] # the sum below needs a start value of an appropriate type, # the default zero is not suitable score = sum(scores[1:], scores[0]) max_score = sum(max_scores[1:], max_scores[0]) status = aggregate_statuses( [result['status'] for result in group_results.values()] ) return score, max_score, status
[docs]def sum_group_scorer(test_results): """Adds results of all tests inside a test group.""" if not test_results: return None, None, 'OK' scores = [ ScoreValue.deserialize(result['score']) for result in test_results.values() ] max_scores = [ ScoreValue.deserialize(result['max_score']) for result in test_results.values() ] score = sum(scores[1:], scores[0]) max_score = sum(max_scores[1:], max_scores[0]) status = aggregate_statuses( [result['status'] for result in test_results.values()] ) return score, max_score, status
[docs]class UnequalMaxScores(ValueError): pass
[docs]def min_group_scorer(test_results): """Gets minimal result of all tests inside a test group.""" scores = [ ScoreValue.deserialize(result['score']) for result in test_results.values() ] max_scores = [ ScoreValue.deserialize(result['max_score']) for result in test_results.values() ] score = min(scores) max_score = min(max_scores) if max_score != max(max_scores): raise UnequalMaxScores( "Tests in one group cannot have different max scores." ) sorted_results = sorted(list(test_results.values()), key=itemgetter('order')) status = aggregate_statuses([result['status'] for result in sorted_results]) return score, max_score, status
[docs]def discrete_test_scorer(test, result): status = result['result_code'] percentage = result.get('result_percentage', 100) max_score = int(ceil(percentage * test['max_score'] / 100.)) score = max_score if status == 'OK' else 0 return IntegerScore(score), IntegerScore(test['max_score']), status
[docs]def threshold_linear_test_scorer(test, result): """Full score if took less than half of limit and then decreasing to 1""" limit = test.get('exec_time_limit', 0) used = result.get('time_used', 0) status = result['result_code'] percentage = result.get('result_percentage', 100) max_score = int(ceil(percentage * test['max_score'] / 100.0)) test_max_score = IntegerScore(test['max_score']) if status != 'OK': return IntegerScore(0), test_max_score, status if not limit: return IntegerScore(max_score), test_max_score, status if used > limit: score = 0 status = 'TLE' elif max_score == 0: score = 0 elif used <= limit / 2.0: score = max_score else: score = 1 + int((max_score - 1) * ((limit - used) / (limit / 2.0))) return IntegerScore(score), test_max_score, status
[docs]def decode_str(str): try: str = str.decode('utf-8') decode_error = False except UnicodeDecodeError: str = str.decode('utf-8', 'replace') decode_error = True return (str, decode_error)
[docs]def get_submission_source_file_or_error(request, submission_id): """Returns the submission source and filename If it does not exist or the user has no rights to see it, then error is raised. """ submission = get_object_or_404(ProgramSubmission, id=submission_id) pi = submission.problem_instance if pi.contest and (not request.contest or != raise PermissionDenied if not pi.controller.can_see_source(request, submission): raise PermissionDenied return submission.source_file
[docs]def has_report_actions_config(problem): try: return bool(problem.report_actions_config) except ReportActionsConfig.DoesNotExist: return False
[docs]def is_problem_with_library(problem): if isinstance(problem, (int, str)): return LibraryProblemData.objects.filter(problem_id=problem).exists() try: return bool(problem.libraryproblemdata) except LibraryProblemData.DoesNotExist: return False
[docs]def is_model_submission(submission): return ModelProgramSubmission.objects.filter(
[docs]def filter_model_submissions(queryset): model_ids = ModelProgramSubmission.objects.values_list('id', flat=True) return queryset.exclude(pk__in=model_ids)
[docs]def form_field_id_for_langs(problem_instance): return 'prog_lang_' + str(
[docs]def get_extension(file_name): return os.path.splitext(file_name)[1][1:]
[docs]def get_submittable_languages(): submittable_languages = getattr(settings, "SUBMITTABLE_LANGUAGES") for _, lang_config in submittable_languages.items(): lang_config.setdefault('type', 'main') return submittable_languages