Source code for

import logging
import time

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.mail import EmailMessage
from import BaseCommand
from django.db.models import Q
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.test import RequestFactory
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _

from oioioi.questions.models import Message, QuestionSubscription
from oioioi.questions.views import visible_messages

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def generate_notification(msg, user, mail): show_original = msg.top_reference and allowed_to_see(msg.top_reference, user) link_m_id = if show_original else context = { 'msg': msg, 'show_original': show_original, 'link_m_id': link_m_id, 'root': settings.PUBLIC_ROOT_URL, } subject = render_to_string('questions/reply_notification_subject.txt', context) subject = ' '.join(subject.strip().splitlines()) body = render_to_string('questions/reply_notification_body.txt', context) return EmailMessage(subject=subject, body=body, to=[mail])
[docs]def mailnotify(instance): # We should only pass messages with unsent mail here, published in the past # We check the visible_messages just to be fail safe. assert not instance.mail_sent # For some reason instance.pub_date is None if not explicitly set. # It would be best to make it not-None by default (and set pub_date # to equal creation date) but it is out of scope of this commit # hence the first part of the assertion assert instance.pub_date is None or instance.pub_date <= subscriptions = QuestionSubscription.objects.filter(contest=instance.contest) if instance.kind == 'PUBLIC': # There may be users without an e-mail, filter them out mails = [(sub.user, for sub in subscriptions if] # if there are any users with e-mails for (user, mail) in mails: try_sending(instance, user, mail) elif instance.kind == 'PRIVATE': author = subscriptions = subscriptions.filter(user=author) if subscriptions and try_sending(instance, author, # if kind == 'QUESTION', then we simply ignore and mark as sent instance.mail_sent = True
[docs]def try_sending(msg, user, mail): if allowed_to_see(msg, user): email = generate_notification(msg, user, mail) email.send(fail_silently=True) else: # For some reason some message from the past is not # visible for a user. We omit this, but make sure to # mark this in the logs. logmsg = ( "Omitting message {} to {}, since they are not allowed to see it" ).format(msg, user)
[docs]def allowed_to_see(msg, user): request = fake_request(user, msg.contest) return msg in visible_messages(request)
[docs]def fake_request(user, contest): request = RequestFactory().get('/', data={'name': u'test'}) request.user = user request.contest = contest request.timestamp = return request
[docs]def candidate_messages(timestamp): return Message.objects.filter(mail_sent=False).filter( Q(pub_date__lte=timestamp) | Q(pub_date=None) )
[docs]class Command(BaseCommand):
[docs] help = _( """ Periodically scans the whole database for messages with unsent notifications. We can't do this easily without a daemon since we have to support delayed publishing of news. """ )
[docs] def handle(self, *args, **options): while True: for msg in candidate_messages( mailnotify(msg) time.sleep(settings.MAILNOTIFYD_INTERVAL)