Source code for oioioi.statistics.plotfunctions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import groupby  # pylint: disable=E0611
from operator import itemgetter  # pylint: disable=E0611

from django.db.models import Count
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _

from oioioi.contests.models import (
from oioioi.contests.utils import is_contest_admin, is_contest_observer
from oioioi.programs.models import ProgramSubmission, TestReport

[docs]def int_score(score, default=0): return score.to_int() if callable(getattr(score, 'to_int', None)) else default
[docs]def histogram(values, num_buckets=10, max_result=None): """Calculates the histogram of the provided values (integers). Assumes that minimal value is 0. :param values: List of integers to compute the histogram. :param num_buckets: Number of histogram buckets. :returns: A pair of lists (boundaries, counts); boundaries contain lower bounds of bucket limits; counts contain the numbers of elements going in particular buckets. """ assert num_buckets > 0, "Non positive number of buckets for histogram" if max_result is None and values: max_result = max(values) if max_result: if max_result < num_buckets: num_buckets = max_result # divide by zero protection bucket = max_result // num_buckets # bucket cannot be 0 if (max_result % num_buckets) != 0: num_buckets += 1 counts = [0] * (num_buckets + 1) else: bucket = 1 counts = [0] for key, group in groupby(values, key=(lambda x: x // bucket)): counts[key] += len(list(group)) return [ list(tup) for tup in zip(*[[i * bucket, value] for i, value in enumerate(counts)]) ]
[docs]def results_histogram_for_queryset(request, qs, max_score=None): scores = [int_score(r.score) for r in qs] max_score = int_score(max_score, None) keys_left, data = histogram(scores, max_result=max_score) keys = ['[%d;%d)' % p for p in zip(keys_left[:-1], keys_left[1:])] keys.append('[%d;∞)' % keys_left[-1]) return { 'plot_name': _("Results histogram"), 'data': [data], 'keys': keys, 'titles': {'yAxis': _("# of results")}, 'y_min': 0, 'series': [_("results")], }
[docs]def points_histogram_contest(request, contest): results = UserResultForContest.objects.filter(contest=contest) return results_histogram_for_queryset(request, results)
[docs]def points_histogram_problem(request, problem): results = UserResultForProblem.objects.filter(problem_instance=problem) # Check if user has any submissions for the specified problem if results and results[0].submission_report is not None: max_score = results[0].submission_report.score_report.max_score else: max_score = None return results_histogram_for_queryset(request, results, max_score=max_score)
[docs]def submissions_by_problem_histogram_for_queryset(qs): agg = qs.values( 'problem_instance', 'problem_instance__short_name', 'problem_instance__round__start_date', 'problem_instance__round__id', 'status', ).annotate(count=Count('problem_instance')) agg = sorted(agg, key=itemgetter('status')) statuses = list(set(a['status'] for a in agg)) pis = list( set( ( a['problem_instance'], a['problem_instance__short_name'], a['problem_instance__round__start_date'], a['problem_instance__round__id'], ) for a in agg ) ) # Problem instances are sorted by (round start date, round id, pi name) # to improve readability. Since two rounds can have same start date, sorting # also by their id will aggregate problem instances properly. pis = sorted( pis, key=itemgetter( 2, 3, 1, ), ) d = defaultdict(int) for v in agg: d[(v['status'], v['problem_instance'])] = v['count'] data = [ [d[s, pi_id] for pi_id, _name, _start_date, _round_id in pis] for s in statuses ] return { 'plot_name': _("Submissions histogram"), 'data': data, 'keys': [pi[1] for pi in pis], 'titles': {'yAxis': _("# of submissions")}, 'y_min': 0, 'series': statuses, }
[docs]def submissions_histogram_contest(request, contest): subs = ( Submission.objects.filter(kind='NORMAL') .filter(problem_instance__contest=contest) .prefetch_related('problem_instance') ) return submissions_by_problem_histogram_for_queryset(subs)
[docs]def points_to_source_length_problem(request, problem): submissions = ProgramSubmission.objects.filter( problem_instance=problem, submissionreport__userresultforproblem__isnull=False ) contest = request.contest controller = contest.controller if is_contest_admin(request) or is_contest_observer(request): visible_submissions = submissions else: visible_submissions = controller.filter_my_visible_submissions( request, submissions ) data = [] for s in submissions: record = {'x': s.source_length, 'y': int_score(s.score), 'url': ''} kwargs = {'submission_id':, 'contest_id':} if visible_submissions.filter( record['url'] = reverse('submission', kwargs=kwargs) elif controller.can_see_source(request, s.submission_ptr): record['url'] = reverse('show_submission_source', kwargs=kwargs) data.append(record) # Assumes that max_score is exactly the same for each submission max_score = None if submissions: score_reports = ScoreReport.objects.filter( submission_report__submission__in=submissions, submission_report__status='ACTIVE', submission_report__kind__in=('NORMAL', 'FULL'), ) if score_reports: max_score = score_reports.latest('id').max_score max_score = int_score(max_score, 0) return { 'plot_name': _("Points vs source length scatter"), 'data': [data], 'x_min': 0, 'y_min': 0, 'y_max': max_score, 'titles': { 'xAxis': _("Source length (bytes)"), 'yAxis': _("Points"), }, 'series': [problem.short_name], 'series_extra_options': [{'color': 'rgba(47, 126, 216, 0.5)'}], }
[docs]def test_scores(request, problem): # Why .order_by()? Just in case. More in the following link: # # aggregation/#interaction-with-default-ordering-or-order-by # Testreports for deleted tests remain in the database, # we can't show them here. agg = ( TestReport.objects.filter( submission_report__userresultforproblem__problem_instance=problem, test__isnull=False, ) .values('test', 'test__order', 'test_name', 'status') .annotate(status_count=Count('status')) .order_by() ) statuses = sorted(set(a['status'] for a in agg)) tests = set((a['test'], a['test_name'], a['test__order']) for a in agg) tests = sorted(tests, key=lambda x: (x[2], x[1])) d = defaultdict(int) for a in agg: d[(a['status'], a['test'])] = a['status_count'] data = [[d[(st, test)] for test, _x, _x in tests] for st in statuses] return { 'plot_name': _("Test scores"), 'data': data, 'keys': [test_name for _x, test_name, _x in tests], 'series': statuses, }