Source code for oioioi.szkopul.settings

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from datetime import datetime
import pytz
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from oioioi.default_settings import *
from oioioi.contests.current_contest import ContestMode

# "oioioi/".
# Before you adjust it, you may consider visiting
# "".
SITE_ID = 1 SERVER = 'uwsgi' # Enable debugging features. # # COMMENT THIS OUT FOR PRODUCTION DEPLOYMENT. DEBUG = True # Bonus to judging priority ang judging weight for each contest on this # OIOIOI instance. OIOIOI_INSTANCE_PRIORITY_BONUS = 20 # OIOIOI_INSTANCE_WEIGHT_BONUS = 0 # (13.12.2017 - we removed these lines) # if DEBUG: # TEMPLATE_LOADERS = UNCACHED_TEMPLATE_LOADERS if DEBUG: TEMPLATES[0]['OPTIONS']['loaders'] = UNCACHED_TEMPLATE_LOADERS else: # Cache compiled templates in production environment. TEMPLATES[0]['OPTIONS']['loaders'] = CACHED_TEMPLATE_LOADERS # The APP_DIRS option is allowed only in template engines that have no custom # loaders specified. TEMPLATES[0]['APP_DIRS'] = False # Site name displayed in the title and used by sioworkersd # to distinguish OIOIOI instances. SITE_NAME = 'SZKOpuł' # The website address as it will be displayed to users in some places, # including but not limited to the mail notifications. # Defaults to 'http://localhost'. PUBLIC_ROOT_URL = '' # Sender email address for messages sent by OIOIOI to users. DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = ''
# Sender email address for error messages sent to admins. SERVER_EMAIL = DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL # Email addresses to send communication from users (for example requests for # teacher accounts). MANAGERS = ( ('Szkopul Admin', ''), ) # Registration checkbox descriptions REGISTRATION_RULES_CONSENT = mark_safe( "Wyrażam " "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/rodo/zgoda/\">" " zgodę na przetwarzanie moich ww. danych osobowych</a>" " oraz oświadczam," " że zapoznałam/zapoznałem się z " "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/rodo/\">klauzulą informacyjną</a>") # See
[docs]ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', '', '', 'snag', 'szkopul', 'szkopul2', 'localhost']
# Local time zone for this installation. Choices can be found here: # # although not all choices may be available on all operating systems. # In a Windows environment this must be set to your system time zone. TIME_ZONE = 'Europe/Warsaw' # Language code for this installation. All choices can be found here: # LANGUAGES = ( ('pl', 'polski'), ('en', 'english'), ) LANGUAGE_CODE = 'pl' # Absolute filesystem path to the directory that will hold user-uploaded files. # Example: "/home/media/"
[docs]MEDIA_ROOT = '/sio2/deployment/media'
# Absolute path to the directory static files should be collected to. # Don't put anything in this directory yourself; store your static files # in apps' "static/" subdirectories and in STATICFILES_DIRS. # Example: "/home/media/"
[docs]STATIC_ROOT = '/sio2/deployment/static'
# Compress templates offline
# SMTP server parameters for sending emails. EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX = '[Szkopul] ' EMAIL_USE_TLS = False EMAIL_HOST = 'mail' EMAIL_PORT = 25 EMAIL_HOST_USER = '' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = '' # Comment to send user activation emails. Needs an SMTP server to be # configured above. SEND_USER_ACTIVATION_EMAIL = False # RabbitMQ server URL for distributed workers. # # Uncomment once RabbitMQ is installed. By default SQLAlchemy database is used, # but this is unreliable and not intended for production. BROKER_URL = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//' # Filetracker server settings. # # Uncomment the following lines to enable remote access to Filetracker. This is # needed if you install separate judging machines. Beware -- there is no # authorization mechanism in Filetracker. Everyone who can access the server on # the given port will be able to see all the files. It's recommended to have # the judging machines on a separate physical network and listen only on the # corresponding IP address. # FT-MIG # FILETRACKER_SERVER_ENABLED = True FILETRACKER_SERVER_ENABLED = False FILETRACKER_LISTEN_ADDR = '' FILETRACKER_LISTEN_PORT = 9999 # When using distributed workers set this to url on which workers will be # able to access filetracker server. # FT-MIG # FILETRACKER_URL = 'http://szkopul:9999' FILETRACKER_URL = 'http://filetracker-szkopul:19999' # FT-MIG # FILETRACKER_CLIENT_FACTORY = 'oioioi.filetracker.client.remote_storage_factory' # When using a remote_storage_factory it's necessary to specify a cache # directory in which necessary files will be stored.
[docs]FILETRACKER_CACHE_ROOT = '/sio2/deployment/cache'
# When using a remote storage it's recommended to enable a cache cleaner deamon # which will periodically scan cache directory and remove files what aren't # used. For a detailed description of each option, please read a cache cleaner # configuration section in the sioworkersd documentation.
# On which interface should the sioworkers receiver listen. You should # set the address to if you want remote workers to access # your server. SIOWORKERS_LISTEN_ADDR = '' SIOWORKERS_LISTEN_PORT = 7890 # URL to which should respond sioworkersd, when it has finished its job # When set to None the default url will be created using the pattern # http://$SIOWORKERS_LISTEN_ADDR:$SIOWORKERS_LISTEN_PORT SIOWORKERS_LISTEN_URL = 'http://snag:7890/' # Set this to false if you don't need sioworkersd instance (e. g. # because you use instance started by another instance of OIOIOI) RUN_SIOWORKERSD = False SUBMITTABLE_LANGUAGES = { 'C': { 'display_name': 'C' }, 'C++': { 'display_name': 'C++' }, 'Pascal': { 'display_name': 'Pascal' }, # 'Java': { # 'display_name': 'Java' # }, 'Python': { 'display_name': 'Python' }, } SUBMITTABLE_EXTENSIONS = { 'C': ['c'], 'C++': ['cpp', 'cc'], 'Pascal': ['pas'], # 'Java': ['java'], 'Python': ['py'], } # This setting specifies which compilers are available in sioworkers. # By default that means ones defined here: # AVAILABLE_COMPILERS = { 'C': { 'gcc4_8_2_c99': {'display_name': 'gcc:4.8.2 std=gnu99'} }, 'C++': { 'g++4_8_2_cpp11': {'display_name': 'g++:4.8.2 std=c++11'}, 'g++8_3_cpp17': {'display_name': 'g++:8.3 std=c++17'}, 'g++8_3_cpp17_amd64': {'display_name': 'g++:8.3 std=c++17 x64'}, 'g++10_2_cpp17_amd64': {'display_name': 'g++:10.2 std=c++17 x64'} }, 'Pascal': { 'fpc2_6_2': {'display_name': 'fpc:2.6.2'} }, # 'Java': { # 'java1_8': {'display_name': 'java:1.8'} # }, 'Python': { 'python_3_4_numpy': {'display_name': 'python:3.4 + numpy'}, 'python_3_7_numpy': {'display_name': 'python:3.7 + numpy'}, 'python_3_9_numpy': {'display_name': 'python:3.9 + numpy'} }, } # This setting sets the default compilers used throughout the platform. # By uncommenting the below dict you can change all or any one of them. DEFAULT_COMPILERS = { 'C': 'gcc4_8_2_c99', 'C++': 'g++8_3_cpp17', 'Pascal': 'fpc2_6_2', # 'Java': 'java1_8', 'Python': 'python_3_7_numpy', } # FIXME: add this to repo SIOWORKERSD_URL = 'http://sioworkersd:7889/' # Contest mode - automatic activation of contests. # # Available choices are: # ContestMode.neutral - no contest is activated automatically, # users have to explicitly enter into a contest specific page if they want # to participate. They can visit both contest specific as well as non-contest # specific pages. # ContestMode.contest_if_possible - if there exists a contest, users # are automatically redirected to one when visiting a page which # has a contest specific version, e.g. visiting index ('/') could redirect # to "c" contest's dashboard page ('/c/c/dashboard') if there existed # a contest "c". The contest picking algorithm is described in detail # in oioioi.contests.middleware module. # If a page requires that no contest is active (e.g. user's portal page # from the "portals" app), it can still be visited and no redirection # will be made. # ContestMode.contest_only - this setting is similar to the previous one # except that pages requiring no contest to be active can only be visited # by superusers (other users get "403 - Permission Denied"). # # Some features may depend on this setting, e.g. the "portals" app requires # that either the "neutral" or the "contest_if_possible" option is picked. # # The default setting is "contest_if_possible". CONTEST_MODE = ContestMode.neutral # When USE_SINOLPACK_MAKEFILES equals True, the sinolpack upload workflow uses # standard sinolpack makefiles, whose behaviour may be modified by a custom # makefile.user file from a package. The makefiles' execution is not sandboxed, # hence it should be disabled for untrusted contest admins. # Whet it equals False, the upload workflow uses sioworkers for programs' # execution (in a sandboxed environment, if USE_UNSAFE_EXEC is set to False). USE_SINOLPACK_MAKEFILES = False # When set to True untrusted users cannot upload sinol packages containing # problem statement in HTML format (they must use PDF). # Trusted users are users with superuser access or teachers (if oioioi.teachers # app is enabled). This option has no effect for packages uploaded # by management commands or if USE_SINOLPACK_MAKEFILES is enabled. # We suggest enabling it when using oioioi.usercontests app. SINOLPACK_RESTRICT_HTML = False # Upper bounds for tests' time [ms] and memory [KiB] limits. MAX_TEST_TIME_LIMIT_PER_PROBLEM = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 30 # MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT_FOR_TEST = 520 * 1024 MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT_FOR_TEST = 1024 * 1024 # Controls if uwsgi in default configuration shall use gevent loop. # To use it, you have to install gevent - please consult # # This is recommended for heavy load, but you may still need to tune uwsgi # options in deployment/supervisord.conf UWSGI_USE_GEVENT = True
# EXTRA MODULES # # Comment/uncomment components to disable/enable them. # # Additional components usually have to be prepended to the list in # INSTALLED_APPS, because they may want to override some templates. But this is # not always the case. Please consult the documentation of particular extension # you're configuring. # # Some components need also corresponding lines in TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS # and/or AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS commented/uncommented. INSTALLED_APPS = ( # 'szkopul', 'oioioi.teams', # 'oioioi.contestlogo', 'oioioi.teachers', # 'oioioi.ipdnsauth', # 'oioioi.sio1sync', 'oioioi.participants', # 'oioioi.oi', 'oioioi.contestexcl', # 'oioioi.oisubmit', # 'oioioi.zeus', # 'oioioi.testrun', # 'oioioi.spliteval', # 'oioioi.printing', 'oioioi.scoresreveal', # 'oioioi.oireports', # 'oioioi.ontak', # 'oioioi.complaints', # 'oioioi.confirmations', # 'oioioi.acm', # '', # 'oioioi.disqualification', # 'oioioi.ctimes', # 'oioioi.suspendjudge', # 'oioioi.submitsqueue', # 'oioioi.submitservice', # 'oioioi.timeline', # 'oioioi.amppz', # 'oioioi.balloons', # 'oioioi.statistics', # 'oioioi.publicsolutions', 'oioioi.testspackages', # '', 'oioioi.notifications', # 'oioioi.mailsubmit', 'oioioi.portals', # 'oioioi.gamification', 'oioioi.similarsubmits', 'oioioi.disqualification', 'oioioi.exportszu', 'oioioi.globalmessage', 'oioioi.newsfeed', 'oioioi.simpleui', # 'yet_another_django_profiler', # 'oioioi.mainreportimporter', 'oioioi.szkopul', 'oioioi.problemsharing', 'oioioi.usergroups', 'oioioi.usercontests', 'oioioi.plagiarism' ) + INSTALLED_APPS PROBLEM_TAGS_VISIBLE = True # Enables problem statistics at the cost of some per-submission performance hit. # Set to True if you want to see statistics in the Problemset and problem sites. # After enabling you should use ./ recalculate_statistics PROBLEM_STATISTICS_AVAILABLE = True TEMPLATES[0]['OPTIONS']['context_processors'] += [ # 'oioioi.base.processors.gravatar', # 'oioioi.contestlogo.processors.logo_processor', # 'oioioi.contestlogo.processors.icon_processor', 'oioioi.szkopul.processors.szkopul_contact', 'oioioi.notifications.processors.notification_processor', # 'oioioi.gamification.processors.miniprofile_processor', 'oioioi.globalmessage.processors.global_message_processor', 'oioioi.portals.processors.portal_processor', 'oioioi.portals.processors.portals_main_page_link_visible', ] # VERY STUPID WORKAROUND FOR SZKOPUL-FK if 'oioioi.problems.processors.dangling_problems_processor' in TEMPLATES[0]['OPTIONS']['context_processors']: TEMPLATES[0]['OPTIONS']['context_processors'].remove( 'oioioi.problems.processors.dangling_problems_processor') # AND FOR SZKOPUL-FJ if 'oioioi.problems.processors.problems_need_rejudge_processor' in TEMPLATES[0]['OPTIONS']['context_processors']: TEMPLATES[0]['OPTIONS']['context_processors'].remove( 'oioioi.problems.processors.problems_need_rejudge_processor') AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS += ( 'oioioi.teachers.auth.TeacherAuthBackend', # 'oioioi.ipdnsauth.backends.IpDnsBackend', 'oioioi.usercontests.auth.UserContestAuthBackend', ) # Limits the duration of user contests. # Comment out if you don't want to limit the user contests duration.
[docs]USER_CONTEST_TIMEOUT = datetime(2020, 2, 7, 23, 0, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc)
# Number of concurrently evaluated submissions (default is 1). # EVALMGR_CONCURRENCY = 30 EVALMGR_CONCURRENCY = 10 # Number of concurrently processed problem packages (default is 1). # UNPACKMGR_CONCURRENCY = 1 PROBLEM_SOURCES = PROBLEM_SOURCES + ( 'oioioi.sharingcli.problem_sources.RemoteSource', # 'oioioi.zeus.problem_sources.ZeusProblemSource', ) # Cache # To use the more efficient memcached, install it and uncomment the following: CACHES = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache', 'LOCATION': '', } } # Notifications configuration (client) # This one is for JavaScript client. # It should contain actual URL available from remote machines. # NOTIFICATIONS_SERVER_URL = '//' NOTIFICATIONS_SERVER_URL = '/' # Notifications configuration (server) NOTIFICATIONS_SERVER_ENABLED = True # URL connection string to a Notifications Server instance NOTIFICATIONS_OIOIOI_URL = '' # URL connection string for RabbitMQ instance used by Notifications Server NOTIFICATIONS_RABBITMQ_URL = 'amqp://localhost' # Port that the Notifications Server listens on NOTIFICATIONS_SERVER_PORT = 7887 SZKOPUL_SUPPORT_EMAIL = '' CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND = None # logging # handled by sentry MAIL_ADMINS_ON_GRADING_ERROR = False LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'root': { 'level': 'WARNING', 'handlers': ['console'], }, 'filters': { 'require_debug_false': { '()': 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugFalse' }, }, 'formatters': { 'date_and_level': { 'format': '[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(process)d:%(thread)d]' ' %(message)s', }, }, 'handlers': { 'console': { 'level': 'INFO', 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter': 'date_and_level', }, 'console-dbg': { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter': 'date_and_level', }, 'mail_admins': { 'level': 'ERROR', 'filters': ['require_debug_false'], 'class': 'django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler' }, 'audit': { 'level': 'INFO', 'class': 'logging.FileHandler', 'formatter': 'date_and_level', 'filename': '/sio2/deployment/logs/audit.log' }, 'emit_notification': { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'oioioi.base.notification.NotificationHandler' }, }, 'loggers': { 'django': { 'handlers': ['console'], 'level': 'ERROR', 'propagate': False, }, 'django.request': { 'handlers': ['console'], 'level': 'ERROR', 'propagate': False, }, '': { 'handlers': ['console'], 'level': 'ERROR', 'propagate': False }, 'oioioi': { 'handlers': ['console', 'emit_notification'], 'level': 'DEBUG', 'propagate': False, }, '': { 'handlers': ['console-dbg', 'emit_notification'], 'level': 'DEBUG', 'propagate': False, }, 'oioioi.base.registration_backend.audit': { 'handlers': ['console', 'audit'], 'level': 'INFO', 'propagate': False, }, 'oioioi.base.models.audit': { 'handlers': ['console', 'audit'], 'level': 'INFO', 'propagate': False, }, } } # If set to True, usercontests will become read-only: it will be impossible to # change, delete or submit to existing usercontests, as well as add new ones # This operation is fully reversible. ARCHIVE_USERCONTESTS = True # Experimental USE_ACE_EDITOR = True