Source code for oioioi.testrun.handlers

from django.db import transaction
from django.utils.text import Truncator

from oioioi.filetracker.client import get_client
from oioioi.filetracker.utils import (
from oioioi.programs.handlers import (
from oioioi.testrun.models import TestRunConfig, TestRunProgramSubmission, TestRunReport

[docs]def make_test(env, submission, **kwargs): """Creates a testcase *test* from the user input and converts it to evaluation environment. Used ``environ`` keys: * ``submission_id`` * ``problem_id`` Produced ``environ`` keys: * ``tests``: a dictionary mapping test names to test envs """ assert submission.kind == 'TESTRUN' config = TestRunConfig.objects.get(problem_instance__problem__id=env['problem_id']) test_env = {} test_env['name'] = 'test' test_env['in_file'] = django_to_filetracker_path(submission.input_file) test_env['out_file'] = '/testruns/%s/%d/%s-out' % ( env['contest_id'], env['submission_id'], env['job_id'], ) test_env['to_judge'] = True if config.time_limit: test_env['exec_time_limit'] = config.time_limit if config.memory_limit: test_env['exec_mem_limit'] = config.memory_limit env['tests'] = {'test': test_env} return env
[docs]def grade_submission(env, **kwargs): """Grades submission: fills fields used by common postprocessors. This `Handler` gets submission status from *test* test result. Used ``environ`` keys: * ``test_results`` Produced ``environ`` keys: * ``status`` * ``score`` * ``max_score`` """ env['score'] = None env['max_score'] = None if env.get('compilation_result', 'OK') != 'OK': env['status'] = 'CE' elif env['test_results']['test']['result_code'] == 'OK': env['status'] = 'TESTRUN_OK' else: env['status'] = env['test_results']['test']['result_code'] return env
[docs]def make_report(env, **kwargs): """Builds entities for testrun reports in a database. Used ``environ`` keys: * ``tests`` * ``test_results`` * ``status`` * ``score`` * ``compilation_result`` * ``compilation_message`` Produced ``environ`` keys: * ``report_id``: id of the produced :class:`~oioioi.contests.models.SubmissionReport` """ _submission, submission_report = _make_base_report(env, 'TESTRUN') if env['compilation_result'] != 'OK': return env test = env['tests']['test'] test_result = env['test_results']['test'] comment = test_result.get('result_string', '') if comment.lower() == 'ok': # Annoying comment = '' testrun_report = TestRunReport(submission_report=submission_report) testrun_report.status = env['status'] testrun_report.comment = Truncator(comment).chars( TestRunReport._meta.get_field('comment').max_length ) testrun_report.time_used = test_result['time_used'] testrun_report.test_time_limit = test.get('exec_time_limit') testrun_report.output_file = filetracker_to_django_file(test_result['out_file']) return env
[docs]def delete_output(env, **kwargs): if 'out_file' in env.get('test_results', {}).get('test', {}): get_client().delete_file(env['test_results']['test']['out_file']) return env