Source code for oioioi.testspackages.models

import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import zipfile

from django.core.files import File
from django.core.validators import RegexValidator
from django.db import models
from django.db.models.signals import m2m_changed
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

from oioioi.base.utils import strip_num_or_hash
from oioioi.contests.date_registration import date_registry
from oioioi.contests.models import ProblemInstance
from oioioi.filetracker.fields import FileField
from oioioi.problems.models import Problem, make_problem_filename
from oioioi.programs.models import Test

[docs]def _testspackage_date_name_generator(obj): if TestsPackage.objects.filter(problem=obj.problem).count() == 1: return _("Publish tests for %s") % obj.problem.short_name return _("Publish tests for %(problem_name)s (%(package_name)s)") % { 'problem_name': obj.problem.short_name, 'package_name':, }
[docs]def _testspackage_round_chooser(obj): qs = ProblemInstance.objects.filter(problem=obj.problem) if qs.exists(): return qs[0].round return None
[docs]def _testspackage_qs_filter(qs, contest_id): return qs.filter(problem__contest=contest_id)
@date_registry.register( 'publish_date', name_generator=_testspackage_date_name_generator, round_chooser=_testspackage_round_chooser, qs_filter=_testspackage_qs_filter, order=50, )
[docs]class TestsPackage(models.Model):
[docs] __test__ = False
[docs] problem = models.ForeignKey(Problem, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
[docs] name = models.CharField( max_length=30, verbose_name=_("file name"), help_text=_( "File name can only contain letters, digits," " - and _. It should not contain file extension such as" " .zip, .tgz, etc." ), validators=[ RegexValidator( r'^[0-9a-zA-Z\-_]+$', _("Name can only contain letters, digits, - and _."), ) ], )
[docs] description = models.TextField(null=False, blank=True)
tests = models.ManyToManyField(Test)
[docs] package = FileField( upload_to=make_problem_filename, null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("package"), )
[docs] publish_date = models.DateTimeField( null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("publish date"), help_text=_( "If the date is left blank, the package will never " "be visible for participants of the contest." ), )
[docs] _old_tests = None
[docs] def is_visible(self, current_datetime): return self.publish_date is not None and self.publish_date < current_datetime
[docs] class Meta(object):
[docs] verbose_name = _("tests package")
[docs] verbose_name_plural = _("tests packages")
[docs]def pack_test_file(test_file, arcname, zip): reader = test_file.file if hasattr(reader.file, 'name'): zip.write(, arcname) else: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: shutil.copyfileobj(reader, f) f.close() zip.write(, arcname) os.unlink(
[docs]def _create_tests_package(sender, instance, action, reverse, **kwargs): # This function is called upon changing TestsPackage object. # The package should be repacked only if set of tests changes # but not when, e.g., only the description of package changes. if action == 'pre_clear': instance._old_tests = list(instance.tests.all()) elif action == 'post_add': if instance._old_tests == list(instance.tests.all()): return with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(f, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for test in instance.tests.all(): for test_file in [test.input_file, test.output_file]: arch_path = strip_num_or_hash(os.path.basename( pack_test_file(test_file, arch_path, zipf) zipf.close()'', File(f)) os.unlink(
m2m_changed.connect(_create_tests_package, sender=TestsPackage.tests.through)