Source code for oioioi.zeus.backends

from __future__ import print_function

import base64
import json
import logging
import pprint
import time

import http.client
import urllib.error
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]zeus_language_map = { 'c': 'C', 'cc': 'CPP', 'cpp': 'CPP', }
[docs]class ZeusError(Exception): pass
[docs]class ZeusKeyError(ZeusError, KeyError): pass
[docs]def get_zeus_server(zeus_id): """Returns ZeusServer instance for ``zeus_id``.""" server = settings.ZEUS_INSTANCES[zeus_id] # Used to inject mock instances/special handlers if server[0] == '__use_object__': return import_string(server[1])(zeus_id, server[2]) return ZeusServer(zeus_id, server)
[docs]class Base64String(object): """String that needs to be encoded using base64 when serializing to JSON.""" def __init__(self, string): self.string = string
[docs] def __str__(self): return str(self.string)
[docs] def __unicode__(self): return str(self.string)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return 'Base64String(%s)' % self.string
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): return self.string == other.string
[docs]def _json_base64_encode(o): def _string_base64(s): if isinstance(s, Base64String): return base64.b64encode(str(s).encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') raise TypeError return json.dumps(o, default=_string_base64, sort_keys=True)
[docs]def _json_base64_decode(o, wrap=False): def _dict_b64_decode(d): return { k: ( Base64String(base64.b64decode(v).decode('utf-8')) if wrap else base64.b64decode(v) ) if isinstance(v, str) else v for (k, v) in d.items() } return json.loads(o, object_hook=_dict_b64_decode)
[docs]def _get_key(dictionary, key): if key not in dictionary: raise ZeusKeyError("Key %s not found in result" % key) return dictionary[key]
[docs]class EagerHTTPBasicAuthHandler(urllib.request.BaseHandler): def __init__(self, user, passwd): cred = '%s:%s' % (user, passwd) self.auth_string = 'Basic %s' % base64.b64encode(cred)
[docs] def http_open(self, req): assert isinstance( req, urllib.request.Request ), "Incorrect request type: %s" % type(req) if 'Authorization' not in req.headers: req.add_header('Authorization', self.auth_string)
[docs] def https_open(self, req): self.http_open(req)
[docs]class ZeusServer(object): def __init__(self, zeus_id, server_info): self.url, user, passwd = server_info auth_handler = EagerHTTPBasicAuthHandler(user, passwd) self.opener = urllib.request.build_opener( auth_handler, urllib.request.HTTPSHandler() )
[docs] def _send(self, url, data=None, retries=None, **kwargs): """Send the encoded ``data`` to given URL.""" timeout = getattr(settings, 'ZEUS_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT', 60) retries = retries or getattr(settings, 'ZEUS_SEND_RETRIES', 3) retry_sleep = getattr(settings, 'ZEUS_RETRY_SLEEP', 1) assert retries > 0 req = urllib.request.Request(url=url, data=data) # POST for i in range(retries): try: f =, timeout=timeout) return f.getcode(), except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: # Custom format for HTTPError, # as default does not say anything. fmt, args = "HTTPError(%s): %s", (str(e.code), str(e.reason)) logger.error(fmt, *args) if i == retries - 1: raise ZeusError(type(e), fmt % args) except ( urllib.error.URLError, http.client.HTTPException, ) as e: logger.error( "%s exception while querying %s", url, type(e), exc_info=True ) if i == retries - 1: raise ZeusError(type(e), e) time.sleep(retry_sleep)
[docs] def _encode_and_send(self, url, data=None, **kwargs): """Encodes the ``data`` dictionary and sends it to the given URL.""" assert data is not None json_data = _json_base64_encode(data) code, res = self._send(url, json_data, **kwargs) decoded_res = _json_base64_decode(res) "Received response with code=%d: %s", code, pprint.pformat(decoded_res, indent=2), ) return code, decoded_res
[docs] def send_regular( self, zeus_problem_id, kind, source_code, language, submission_id, return_url ): assert kind in ('INITIAL', 'NORMAL'), "Invalid kind: %s" % kind assert language in zeus_language_map, "Invalid language: %s" % language url = urllib.parse.urljoin( self.url, 'dcj_problem/%d/submissions' % (zeus_problem_id,) ) data = { 'submission_type': Base64String('SMALL' if kind == 'INITIAL' else 'LARGE'), 'return_url': Base64String(return_url), 'username': Base64String(submission_id), # not used by zeus, # only for debugging 'metadata': Base64String('HASTA LA VISTA, BABY'), # not used # by zeus, but zeus sends back meaningful metadata 'source_code': Base64String(source_code), 'language': Base64String(zeus_language_map[language]), } code, res = self._encode_and_send(url, data) if code != 200: raise ZeusError(res.get('error', None), code) return _get_key(res, 'submission_id')
[docs]class ZeusTestServer(ZeusServer): """Useful for manual debugging In order to use it, add: 'mock_server': ('__use_object__', 'oioioi.zeus.backends.ZeusTestServer', ('', '', '')), to your ZEUS_INSTANCES dict in and make sure that your ZEUS_PUSH_GRADE_CALLBACK_URL is correctly set. """
[docs] def _send(self, url, data=None, retries=None, **kwargs): retries = retries or getattr(settings, 'ZEUS_SEND_RETRIES', 3) assert retries > 0 decoded_data = _json_base64_decode(data) command = ( 'curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X ' + 'POST -d \'{"compilation_output":"Q1BQ"}\' %s' % decoded_data['return_url'] ) print("Encoded data: ", data) print("Decoded data: ", decoded_data) print("In order to push grade (CE) for the submission sent, call: ") print(command) return 200, _json_base64_encode({'submission_id': 19123})