Source code for oioioi.zeus.handlers

import logging
import random
import socket
from smtplib import SMTPException

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.mail import mail_admins
from django.db import transaction
from django.forms.models import model_to_dict
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

from oioioi.base.utils import naturalsort_key
from oioioi.contests.handlers import _get_submission_or_skip
from oioioi.evalmgr.tasks import transfer_job as evalmgr_transfer_job
from oioioi.programs.handlers import _skip_on_compilation_error
from oioioi.programs.models import ProgramSubmission, Test
from oioioi.zeus.backends import get_zeus_server
from oioioi.zeus.models import ZeusProblemData
from oioioi.zeus.utils import zeus_url_signature

[docs]DEFAULT_METADATA_DECODER = 'oioioi.zeus.handlers.from_csv_metadata'
[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def from_csv_metadata(metadata): try: data = metadata.split(',') test, group, max_score = [f.strip() for f in data] except Exception: test, group, max_score = ('unknown-%d' % random.randint(1, 100000)), '', '1' if group == '': group = test return { 'name': test, 'group': group, 'max_score': int(max_score), }
@_skip_on_compilation_error @transaction.atomic @_get_submission_or_skip(submission_class=ProgramSubmission)
[docs]def submit_job(env, submission, kind): """Recipe handler that sends the job to Zeus.""" with submission.source_file as f: source_code = return evalmgr_transfer_job( env, 'oioioi.zeus.handlers.transfer_job', 'oioioi.zeus.handlers.restore_job', transfer_kwargs={'kind': kind, 'source_code': source_code}, )
[docs]def transfer_job(env, kind, source_code): """ "Sends the job to Zeus for given ``kind``. Used ``env`` keys: * ``submission_id`` * ``language`` * ``saved_environ_id`` * ``zeus_problem_id`` * ``zeus_id`` """ # Env is already saved in evalmgr, use saved_environ_id to # identify results. zeus = get_zeus_server(env['zeus_id']) saved_environ_id = env['saved_environ_id'] return_url = settings.ZEUS_PUSH_GRADE_CALLBACK_URL + reverse( 'zeus_push_grade_callback', kwargs={ 'saved_environ_id': saved_environ_id, 'signature': zeus_url_signature(saved_environ_id), }, ) zeus.send_regular( kind=kind, return_url=return_url, source_code=source_code, zeus_problem_id=env['zeus_problem_id'], language=env['language'], submission_id=['submission_id'], )
[docs]def restore_job(env, results_env): env['compilation_result'] = results_env['compilation_result'] env['compilation_message'] = results_env['compilation_message'] env.setdefault('zeus_results', []).extend(results_env['reports']) return env
[docs]MAP_VERDICT_TO_STATUS = { "OK": "OK", "Wrong answer": "WA", "Time limit exceeded": "TLE", "Runtime error": "RE", "Rule violation": "RV", "Output limit exceeded": "OLE", "Messages size limit exceeded": "MSE", "Messages count limit exceeded": "MCE", "Compilation error": "CE", }
[docs]def import_results(env, **kwargs): """Imports the results returned by Zeus. The ``env['zeus_metadata_decoder']``, which is used by this ``Handler``, should be a path to a function which gets Zeus metadata for test (e.g. a ``env['zeus_results'][0]['metadata']`` string) and returns a dictionary which will be a base for ``test`` information (at least containing keys ``name``, ``group`` and ``max_score`` defined as below). Used ``environ`` keys: * ``zeus_results`` - retrieved from Zeus callback * ``compilation_result`` - may be OK if the file compiled successfully or CE otherwise. Produced ``environ`` keys: * ``tests`` - a dictionary mapping test names into dictionaries with following keys: ``name`` test name ``kind`` kind of the test (EXAMPLE, NORMAL) ``group`` group the test belongs to ``max_score`` maximum score the user can get for this test ``exec_time_limit`` time limit for the test (in ms) ``exec_memory_limit`` memory limit for the test (in KiB) ``zeus_metadata`` raw metadata for the test as returned by Zeus * ``test_results`` - a dictionary, mapping test names into dictionaries with the following keys: ``result_code`` test status: OK, WA, RE, ... ``result_string`` detailed supervisor information (for example, where the required and returned outputs differ) ``time_used`` total time used, in milliseconds ``zeus_test_result`` raw result returned by Zeus """ zeus_results = env['zeus_results'] if env['compilation_result'] != 'OK': return env decoder = import_string( env.get('zeus_metadata_decoder') or DEFAULT_METADATA_DECODER ) tests = env.setdefault('tests', {}) test_results = env.setdefault('test_results', {}) for order, result in enumerate(zeus_results): test = decoder(result['metadata']) error = "Not enough data decoded from: %s" % result['metadata'] assert 'name' in test, error assert 'group' in test, error assert 'max_score' in test, error if test['name'] in test_results: continue if test['group'] == '0': kind = 'EXAMPLE' else: kind = 'NORMAL' test.update( { 'zeus_metadata': result['metadata'], 'kind': kind, 'exec_time_limit': result['time_limit_ms'], 'exec_memory_limit': result['memory_limit_byte'] / 1024, 'nodes': result.get('nof_nodes'), 'to_judge': True, } ) tests[test['name']] = test test_result = { 'result_code': MAP_VERDICT_TO_STATUS.get(result['verdict'], 'SE'), 'result_string': '', 'time_used': result['runtime'], 'zeus_test_result': result, 'order': order, } # Fix/hack? for missing time_limit if test_result['time_used'] is None or test_result['time_used'] == '': test_result['time_used'] = ( test['exec_time_limit'] if test_result['result_code'] == 'TLE' else 0 ) test_results[test['name']] = test_result return env
@_skip_on_compilation_error @transaction.atomic
[docs]def update_problem_tests_set(env, kind, **kwargs): """Creates or updates problem :class:`oioioi.programs.models.Test` objects basing on ``env['tests']`` dict. Sends email to all admins when tests set differ. Considers only tests with given ``kind``. Used ``environ`` keys: * ``problem_id`` * ``tests`` * ``zeus_problem_id`` * ``zeus_id`` """ if env['compilation_result'] != 'OK': return data = ZeusProblemData.objects.get( problem_id=env['problem_id'], zeus_id=env['zeus_id'], zeus_problem_id=env['zeus_problem_id'], ) problem = data.problem env_tests = { key: value for key, value in env['tests'].items() if value['kind'] == kind } test_names = list(env_tests.keys()) new_tests = [] deleted_tests = [] updated_tests = [] tests_set_changed = False exclude = ['input_file', 'output_file'] for i, name in enumerate(sorted(test_names, key=naturalsort_key)): updated = False test = env_tests[name] instance, created = Test.objects.select_for_update().get_or_create( problem_instance=problem.main_problem_instance, name=name ) env['tests'][name]['id'] = old_dict = model_to_dict(instance, exclude=exclude) for attr in ['kind', 'group', 'max_score']: if getattr(instance, attr) != test[attr]: setattr(instance, attr, test[attr]) updated = True if instance.time_limit != test['exec_time_limit']: instance.time_limit, updated = test['exec_time_limit'], True if instance.memory_limit != test['exec_memory_limit']: instance.memory_limit = test['exec_memory_limit'] updated = True order = i if kind == 'EXAMPLE': order = -len(test_names) + i if instance.order != order: instance.order, updated = order, True if updated or created: tests_set_changed = True new_dict = model_to_dict(instance, exclude=exclude) if created: new_tests.append((name, new_dict)) else: updated_tests.append((name, old_dict, new_dict)) # Delete nonexistent tests for test in Test.objects.filter( problem_instance=problem.main_problem_instance, kind=kind ).exclude(name__in=test_names): deleted_tests.append((, model_to_dict(test, exclude=exclude))) tests_set_changed = True test.delete() if tests_set_changed: # NOTE one could be tempted to call # update_all_probleminstances_after_reupload(problem) here # but this would be a bad idea - the tests are 'changed' at least # when the first submission to the problem gets judged - before # we have no information about them."%s: %s tests set changed", problem.short_name, kind) title = "Zeus problem %s: %s tests set changed" % (problem.short_name, kind) content = [ "%s tests set for zeus problem %s has changed:" % (kind, problem.short_name) ] for name, old_dict in new_tests: content.append(" + added test %s: %s" % (name, old_dict)) for name, old_dict in deleted_tests: content.append(" - deleted test %s: %s" % (name, old_dict)) for name, old_dict, new_dict in updated_tests: content.append( " * changed test %s: %s -> %s" % (name, old_dict, new_dict) ) try: mail_admins(title, '\n'.join(content)) except (socket.error, SMTPException): logger.error("An error occurred while sending email.\n%s", exc_info=True) logger.debug('Sent mail: ' + '\n'.join(content)) return env